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Yoga has been around for over 5000 years!😱 Amazingly; this ancient practice involving postures, stretching, meditation and breathing has had profound effects on the body and mind of millions of people. Are you struggling with weight loss? Yoga can help! In this short video; you will learn, simple yoga poses right before bed that can make your digestion calmer and help your body release more fat. Watch the whole video and learn the best ways to do yoga for weight loss. Yoga overall improves cognition, reduces anxiety, facilitate healthy BMI, improves mood, reduces high blood pressure, calms digestion, recondition and strengthen muscles, improves better regulation of sugar and facilitates better sleep patterns.
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👉 Global Organic Medicine will show you some of the natural ways to heal your mind,body plus get healthy and stay healthy. It is our Vision and Goal to lift the veil on the latest in natural Medicine. It is called Organic Medicine; but what is it really?
Natural medicine is a type of medicine that relies on natural substances to heal. It does not involve the use of drugs or surgery. The use of natural Medicine can date back as early as the time of Hippocrates, who is often called the Father Of Medicine.
The use of Natural Medicine today has become more popular than ever. The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is also increasing in the treatment of Chronic Illness and injections.
A lot of people are turning to natural medicine because they believe it is more effective and safer than traditional Western medicine. It is not just the world’s elite who are using natural medicines; it is a practice that has been used by many cultures for centuries.
In the past, natural medicine has been seen as inferior to traditional medicine. But as recent studies have shown, there are many benefits that natural medicine provides. Natural remedies are also important in regions where there is little access to medical facilities and prescription drugs or when the supply chain is disrupted because of war, natural disasters or lack of limited raw materials.
In order to make the most of these benefits, it is important for people to educate themselves about natural medicine and its uses.
If you would like more information on this topic, please read the following book:
The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies.
www.digistore24.com/redir/446313/RIthrive/ Natural medicine is a broad term for alternative treatments that are not part of conventional medicine. It is also known as complementary and alternative medicine. The use of natural medicine has been increasing in recent years because people are becoming more aware of the side effects of conventional medicines. It is important for people to educate themselves about natural medicine and its uses; especially if we continue to have disruptions of supply chains, logistics, high prices of pharmaceutical drugs, stagnation of advance in research etc.
Individuals should be able to take care of minor ailments at home for example; how to use cabbage as inflammation wraps, Gentian Violet ( GV) as antiseptic dye to treat fungal infection of the skin such as ringworm,athlete’s foot etc. Below is a book with over 300 pages that gives you a glimpse of what to do incase of toothache, pink eye, if you can not have access to primary care, urgent care or ER for treatment.
On how to become your own Home Doctor; Check out this book
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