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Gabby’s Cry For Help-“You’re Talking To My Fiancé, Right”
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344 Views • Oct 11, 2021 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 344
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 11, 2021 ^^

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Rating : 5 (0/28 LTDR)

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

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3 years ago

I noticed this straight away too. If they had just been in a mutual DV fight how would he know what she was going to say to LE? He knew he had control over her and wanted to test that control. Also straight away the officer says we got a call about a male hitting a female. Moab LE attempted to release an edited version of the whole stop only showing that she was the aggressor. It is hard to see but if you slow down the video and zoom in on his face I cant see the scratches he has later out of the van. It is in shadow though so Im not sure. I can see him scratching himself when both officers walked away especially after the officer said a call saying a male was hitting a female. It saddens me that so many are still stuck with the thought she was an abuser because of that edited video. They dont even want to go back watch the whole thing and see for themselves how the whole thing shifted from the officer saying a male hitting a female to the later conversations that some how they were cutting her a break because she was going to be the one arrested. They told Brian he had to go to the station and sign a waiver sort of thing the next day. That video has also not been released the same as the Female Park Rangers body cam. They are still trying to cover things up. Lastly when the officer asked Brian why she could be so upset he said IDK maybe its because she thought I was going to take the van and leaver her stranded then goes on to also say he put her back pack outside the door. I doubt he did that. Sorry so long Peace

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