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Views : 62,278
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 9, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Eat more salmon and eggs. They may seem high in cholesterol but they’re high in “good cholesterol” and low in the “bad” cholesterol that your doctor was indicating about and they have adequate amounts of protein which can ultimately help you lose fat weight and increase your muscle growth which is necessary when you get older.
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So sorry I think part of this is also not being able to look after yourself and move after having two children. I can completely share in your struggle. In addition to changing your diet you may also want to try the Carol Bike (AI powered with 5 -8 mins workouts x 3) can have a profound effect on your metabolic health. I am not trying to sell you anything. Just brought the bike and subscription two weeks ago. Like it so far and like the time commitment since I'm busy non-stop with baby. Hope you consider and add to your arsenal to better health.
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11 months ago
I would have less rice and add in protein. It will continue to keep you full but won't spike your insulin. If possible, try brown rice for 5-6 days of the week and have white rice the other days. (I know us asians need our rice daily 😂). Instead of rice, you can also have potatoes or even cauliflower rice to substitute
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