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Views : 20
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 3, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
The way i understand it is… We choose to call Christ ‘Lord’, we choose to admit we need saving and to believe that Jesus, who had committed no sins, died in our stead for our sins. When we do that God chooses to forgive us and wash our sins away, to free us from the price of sin which is death, and God chooses to send the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. He chooses to save us, each and every one of us who accepts salvation through Jesus. That is why the bible teaches that we choose to accept salvation (Romans 10:9-10 for example) and we choose to accept Jesus, AND at the same time teaches that God chose each and every one of us!
Plus since God exists outside of time, and knows all that will be and what wont be, the choice to save us was made ‘in the beginning’.
We still get to choose. We still have free will. Just because God knows what choice we will make, doesn’t mean he made the choice for us.
And as @Motosapien46 said below, it is God’s will that ALL should be saved! He is only waiting on you to decide to accept it too!
6 months ago
If it's only by God's choice who is saved or lost then I'm ok with it only because 1 Timothy 2:4 reminds us that it's God's will that ALL be saved and know the truth! For me the biggest issue with the idea of election is that it denies any personal responsibility to seek truth, weigh evidence and become the understand friends Jesus calls us to be in John 15:15. Why waste your time trying if it's predetermined if you'll be saved or not, there's nothing you could do about it anyways...
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