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Uploaded At Jan 11, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Came across your channel when I needed to replace a group of entrance way switches in my house. I had very little knowledge on repair electrical items in my house.
I’ll be honest, I watched a couple of others before I came away confused because they contradicted or did not explain well (just showed why they did but little to no explanation).
But your short, WOW! Talked me right thru the changeout!
Your concise explanation and visuals to show and back it up is great.
Thanks for helping me out!
Now, I’m more confidant in repairing/replacing and understanding electrical work.
Yours is the only channel I’ll watch for electrical issues and advice! Thanks again!
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This is a great tip.👍.. btw this is a good tip to do with your multimeter as well... I had once one test lead that had an internal wire broken and obviously, the voltage read was DEAD zero on the multimeter. This video of pre-testing your equipment could save your life one day. I know it did for me that day...there are different ways to test leads I know, but I figure this is a well-explained video for many DIY-folk
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I'm so stoked! I wired our entry way/coat room ... and because we live in the house...14 years have gone by! Last Sunday we finally were ready to hook up the lights and outlets... one three way with multiple lights in the run. I've since lost the map .... so I am extremely excited that I remembered and everything works great! 😁
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Again, solid advice brother! Anymore I tell people to go ahead and check the neutral too. I got seriously shocked years ago on a house that was wired incorrectly. I had buzz tested the "feed/power side", turned breaker off, and no more buzz. I grabbed the metal outlet and touched the neutral.....wasn't good. I was alone in an empty house and received quite a shock. Looking back, I wish I had checked the voltage/amps that were still coming through the neutral. Rare but possible. I definitely do a quick test these days to be sure. Usually, I end up just using the multimeter.
Rambled on but anyway great content!
If i can add something to this video also test the neutral after you have turned off the breaker. I tested the hot lead and the neutral together after turning off the breaker and saw a residual voltage of under one volt. I thought it was inductance. I then proceeded to replace the outlet and when I removed one of the two neutrals there was an arc because the neutral was tied into another circuit and was carrying a load. i now check all neutrals for power.
2 years ago
Affiliate link to tester. amzn.to/3W3UBIo
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