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Part 2!! ( this is like my 2nd time, so it’s kinda going to be bad, sorry!! )
Backstory - you’re 17. You and jj have an amazing bond. You guys tell each other everything ( like I said u haven’t told him about your @busive dad. ) you’re single. Sometimes when your dad is dr@nk he h!ts you and your younger brother. No one knows about it, not even jj. You have always been to frightened to tell them, thinking they wouldn’t care anyway. -
JJ - your bestfriend since middle school, you guys practically knew eacother since you were born.
John b - your other bestfriend, Jj introduced you to him and you guys immediately clicked. John b is not just a best friend to you he’s more a brother to you.
Kiara - you guys aren’t really close, but you go to her house sometimes when things get tough.
Sarah - you absolutely adore her, you look up to her as she’s 2 years older than you ( 19 ) Sarah is very nice to you. She does come to your house sometimes to talk about her family if there pissing her off.
Your brother - we will call him Ethan in this story, Ethan is only 2 years younger than you ( 15 ) you guys are extremely close. You try to make sure dad doesn’t go near him but everytime you try your the one who gets h!t.
- let’s start shall we -
Y/n : Alright guys I’ll be back in like 20 minutes, I need to go check up on my brother.
- all the pogues say alright -
You’re walking out of the chateau ( idk how to spell it ) hoping dad didn’t go near Ethan.
- after 10 minutes of walking you finally arrive at your house. -
Y/n : cmon y/n, you can do this. - you mumble to yourself. -
- y/n opens the door hearing dead silence, Ethan was asleep in his room and your dad, well he wasn’t there. Probably went to get drvgs-
Y/n : the state of this place. - btw state just means like it’s dirty and not clean. -
- y/n walks upstairs to Ethan’s room, making sure he’s not touched. -
Y/n : Ethan? Ethan, wake up buddy
- Ethan look over to you tiredly. -
Ethan : yes y/n? - he says tiredly -
Y/n : did dad hurt you, are you alright?
Ethan : yes don’t worry, now go I’m very tired.
- Ethan smiles at you and drifting of to sleep -
- you smile back, and walking to your room to get some clothes.
Y/n : I better hurry dad will be back soon.
- you hear a door opening, assuming it was ur dad so u quickly got random clothes out of your closet and slide out of the window. -
( time skips to 3 hours. You’re walking to the chateau, glad Ethan is alright.
- part 3 ⚠️⚠️ -
- you enter the chateau, fake smiling.
Y/n : what’s up guys!
Jj : what’s up y/n
Jjs pov :
Y/n walked in with a big smile, I could tell there was something wrong but I don’t want to assume. -
John b : do you guys wanna hop in the cats ass?
- everyone says yes and goes to get changed.
Sarah : so y/n what you going to wear for the cats ass? ( the hot tub )
Y/n : probably just a 2 pieced swimsuit.
- y/n gets the swimsuit out of her closet and goes to the bathroom to get changed. -
- after y/n got changed she goes to look at the mirror seeing lots of bruises.
Y/n : shit, I gotta change
- yn gets back into her normal clothes . ( which is a hoodie and sweatpants.
Kiara : y/n, don’t tell me your wearing that in the cats ass?
Y/n : nope, I decided I’m not going in the cats ass.
- jj walks in the chateau
Jj : guys cmon John b is waiting for us in the cats ass
Jj pov :
I look over to y/n, seeing she’s not in her swimsuit. Is she wearing that in the cats ass? Y/n always loved the cat ass she was the one that made the name up. She always used to surf, now she just stays in. I wonder why?
Jj : y/n, why are you not in your swimsuit?
Y/n : oh, about that I’m not coming
Kiara : why!!
Jj : id you want, I’ll stay in and we can watch a movie?
Y/n : no, it’s alright I don’t wanna ruin your fun time!
- jj nods his head and walks outside with Kiara.
- y/n can’t help but feel hurt. As Jj and Kiara was holding hand while walking outside.
Y/n: suck it up y/n!
- you get a flash back -
- young y/n is crying cause she is being bullied.
Mum : suck it up!
Bully : suck it up!
Y/n : suck it up?
- flashback ends. -
( also if I didn’t mention, yes mum was a @busive bitch. She always went to see other men behind her husband back, that caused y/ns dad to become @busive to. Y/ns mum died in a hospital due to overd03e. )
Y/n : am I becoming my mum? - y/n asks her self. -
- you quickly run to your room shutting the door. -
Y/n : just suck it up y/n.
( part 4 ?? )
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⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ y’all this is part 7!!! It wouldn’t let me write anymore!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
It’s the next day at 7am and you didn’t get any sleep. You went outside and laid on a hammock.
Jj: hey cupcake, what you doing?
Yn: hi, I’m thinking
Jj: what about?
Yn: stuff
Jj: um ok. See ya
Jj was so happy that morning. He was going to ask you out. But you had been so blunt with him. He thought you were just having a hard time adjusting with your dad and sister situation. He made a plan for John B to go sleep at Popes and Lilliana would go for a sleepover at a friends house, he wanted to make the chateau romantic to confess his love
Jj: hey man, can you do me a favour
Jb: what’d you need
Jj: can you sleep at Popes tonight? I’m kind of asking out yn later
Jb: dude that’s amazing! Of course I’ll go
Jj: thanks John B
You stood behind the door listening to their conversation
~ your thoughts ~
JJ likes me! JJ likes.. me? What do I do! I thought he didn’t like me after what happened last night. This is great! JJ likes me and I like him! It’s perfect… just perfect..
You couldn’t shake the memories of what your dad had said to you before
“No one will ever love you” “you’re unlovable” “I feel bad for whoever you trick into dating” “you don’t deserve love. You don’t deserve anyone”
~ your thoughts ~
He is right! JJ doesn’t deserve me. I’m just a disappointment. He deserves someone perfect just like him. I can’t let him ask me out! If he does, then I have to say no, but then he’ll be crushed. But if I say yes he will see how awful I am.
The day went on as normal. But you still were avoiding JJ. Then Lils went to her sleepover and Jb went to Popes.
Jj: hey yn do you mind grabbing me some things from the shop?
Yn: sure
You knew JJ was planning to set up his romantic gesture. So you went to the shop, got the stuff he needed and…
Part 8 very soon!! I’ve decided I can’t sleep for hours 😭
⚠️⚠️ part 8! ⚠️⚠️
And you started walking to Kie’s house.
You got there and knocked on the door
K: hey yn, what’s going on
Yn: hi, can I stay the night here?
K: sure, come in
You guys go up to her room
K: why aren’t you at the chateau
Yn: ok don’t freak out when I tell you this.
Yn: me and JJ had an awkward moment, then I realised he would never like me. Then I overheard him saying to John B if he can stay at Popes bc he wants to ask me out. But hes way too good for me. So I left while hes setting up. And he doesn’t know I’m not coming back.
K: what the hell! How did you say all that in one breath!
K: ok so first of all. I knew something was going on between you two. Second, why aren’t you good enough!? Third, YOU JUST LEFT HIM THERE!!
Yn: yeah..
K: YN! He likes you, you like him. It’s meant to be!
Yn: but I’m not good enough!
K: y/n/n why would you think that?
Yn: well that’s what my dad always said..
k: yn he’s a idiot! Listen you deserve love, you and JJ are soulmates. Also girl you are hot! I’m not surprised JJ likes you. Now go and get him!
Yn: you sure?
K: yes go go!
You leave Kiaras and start running to the chateau. You wanted JJ.
It had already been 40 minutes so JJ started to get worried. He thought you weren’t gonna come back. He sat down on the couch feeling deflated. He was surrounded by rose petals, candles and love. But he certainly didn’t feel any love. Not until he would see you.
You finally made it to the chateau and went inside.
Yn: JJ!
Jj: yn! I thought you weren’t gonna come back
Yn: look JJ I love you! But I overheard you talking to John B and I thought I wasn’t good enough for you
Jj: what are you talking about? Darling you’re too good for me. I love you with all my heart yn
Yn: I love you too
You go up to him and kiss him. You arms around his neck, his hands on your waist. It all fit perfectly. Jj was who you were meant to be with.
Then you woke up
The end!
See you in a few hours for part 9! 😉
⚠️⚠️ part 9!! ⚠️⚠️
You pull away from the kiss.
Jj: yn, will you be my girlfriend?
Yn: I’d love to JJ
Skip to the next morning! Since y’all are an adorable couple you slept in the same bed!
You get up and start making breakfast
Jj: morning princess
Yn: good morning!
You pass him a plate of eggs and toast and kiss him on the cheek.
Yn: so, when do you think we should tell the others about us?
Jj: well they’re all coming here later
Yn: sounds good
Skip to midday and the other pogues come back (not Lilliana yet)
Yn: hey guys! Um me and JJ have something to tell you
S: what’s going on?
Jj: me and yn are dating!
Jb: finally you told us!
Yn: what?
P: well you’ve been dating for a while
Jj: no we haven’t? This just happened yesterday!
K: we’re saying that it was rather obvious you liked each other.
Yn: really?
S: yeah! Yn when I first met you I thought you and JJ were already dating
Jj: maybe it was a bit obvious we liked each other
Yn: ok well I need to go get Lilliana
Jj: don’t worry cupcake, I’ll go get her
Yn: thanks Jayj
Y’all what nickname (other than blondie) do you want to call JJ!
I’m gonna try to do 2 parts a day so it will probably be in the morning and evening (this is UK time!)
⚠️⚠️ part 10!! ⚠️⚠️
I only got 20 minutes to do this before my brownies need to come out the oven!
We’re gonna add a bit of drama bc it wouldn’t be OBX without it!
Jj has picked up Lilliana. She’s in your room. Pope and Kie have gone home and the rest of y’all are just on the couch talking
Jj: I could totally take a bear in a fight
Jb: no thou couldn’t!
Jj: yes I can! Tell him cupcake
Yn: you can’t take a bear in a fight jj
Jb: ha
S: please neither can you John B
Yn: do y’all hear that?
S: hear what?
Yn: I think someone’s coming
Jj: police! Hide the gun!
Yn: omg JJ
You and Sarah get off the couch and look out the window
Yn: fück!
Jb: what’s going on!
Yn: it’s my dad
I’ll write part 11 in a minute!
⚠️⚠️ part 11! ⚠️⚠️
Jj: what?! I’ll go out there and get rid of him
Yn: no! He’s probably here for Lilliana. Jj and John B I want you to get Lilliana climb out the window and run. Sarah you come out with me, he won’t hurt me if I’m with someone
Jj: but yn-
Yn: no JJ. I know what I’m doing. Now both of you go!
Jj and John B go to your room and you and Sarah walk outside.
Yn: Dad, hi, what are you doing here.
Your dad gives Sarah a glare
D: do you know where your sister is
Yn: yes
S: yn! What are you doing!
You see Lilliana and the others running from the corner of your eye
Yn: she’s been staying with me.
D: she’s only 12 and your 17
Yn: she asked to stay with me and I don’t want her to live with you anymore
D: she’s my daughter
Yn: so am I yet you still hĩt me (damn you a diva!)
D: yn we’re going
Yn: what?
D: either you come back with me now for a week. Or I get Lilliana and report you to the police.
S: yn don’t!
D: shut up! Yn what are you gonna do?
Yn: I’ll go with you..
D: good. Come along
You and your dad start walking to your house. Sarah runs off to find JJ and John B
Part 12 in probably a few hours
⚠️⚠️⚠️ part 12!! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
TW mentions of r@pe
You and your dad get to your house
D: you think you can take my daughter away from me and get away with it!
Yn: she’s barely your daughter!
He slaps you across the face
D: STFU bĩtch
He drags you to his bed
D: you need to be punished
He starts doing you know what
(I wasn’t really sure what to say! If you want to change what he said then just imagine a scenario in your head!)
It had been a few hours and you were now just laying on the bed, barely conscious. You had to leave. You couldn’t stay here a week.
You managed to get up and head to the door. Your dad had gone out drinking an hour ago so you had about 30 minutes.
You walked down the rode, limping and holding your stomach. You looked awful. Your face was bloody. Your clothes were ripped. You looked barely alive.
You made it to the chateau after 30 minutes.
You could hear yelling from around the back
Jj: you let her go!?!
S: I didnt really have a choice!
K: everyone shut up! We have to go get yn
You stood by the side but no one noticed you as they where all yelling at each other
P: YN!
They all come running towards you. But you couldn’t take it anymore and your legs caved in. Jj caught you before you fell unconscious
You woke up an hour later on the couch. Sarah and Kie were around you helping your wounds
S: yn!
Yn: what happened?
K: you came back to the chateau and passed out
You started to remember what your dad had done and started crying
S: hey it’s ok
Sarah goes over to hug you
K: your safe now
The boys come into the room.
Jj: yn!
Jj goes to hug you but you back away and hug Sarah again
Kie and Sarah looked at each other, they had worked out what happened.
S: how about we go into your room y/n/n.
You nod and Kie helps you up
Yn: wait what about Lilliana!
Jb: don’t worry she’s in mine and Sarah’s room
You Kie and Sarah go to your room. You get into bed
S: you need to get some rest yn
They start heading to the door
Yn: wait! Can you stay here with me
K: of course
They get into bed with you and you fall asleep
Part 13 in a few hours!
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Part 13 is on a new comment!! Just like how part 7 was!!!! ⚠️⚠️
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4 weeks ago
Part 2!! (This is my first time so it's gonna be rubbish, l'm so sorry!!)
Backstory - your dad is @busive and 💀 your mum when you were 12 you have a little sister Lilliana who you always protect and she's 8
You're all 17 in this
Yn = you!
Jj = JJ (obvs) - your best friend/ crush
S = Sarah - your bestie!
Jb = John B - like a brother to you
k = Kie - your bestie
P = Pope - like your brother
You've been staying at the Chateau (I'm not sure how to spell it) but you go back every 2 weeks to make sure Lillianas ok. But last time you went back your dad didn't let you go for a week. Jj went to your house and helped you leave. You had bruises all over your body. You went back to the Chateau wearing a jumper and leggings. Only Jj knew about your dad.
You come through the door with Jj
S: Yn! Where have you been! We've been so worried about
K: yeah, we tried to text you but it wasn't working
(Your dad had broken your phone)
Jj looked at you, he wanted you to tell the others about your dad.
Jb & P: Yn you're back!
Yn: you guys should sit down, I have something to tell you.
I have to go but I’ll finish it later if y’all want
Part 2 continued!!
K: is everything ok?
Yn: um well, this is really hard to say
Jj grabs your hand and squeezes it comfortingly
Yn: my dad.. hes @busive..
Sarah and Kie start tearing up.
Jb: why didn’t you tell us?
Yn: I wasn’t really sure how to
P: is that why we didn’t see you for a week?
Yn: yes. I always go back home after a while to check on my little sister, but this time my dad wouldn’t let me go.
S: we could’ve come got you!
Yn: it’s only Jj… who ever comes looking for me
Jb: Jj knew but we didn’t!?
Yn: he worked it out a few months ago
You flinched
S: Jb stop you’re scaring her
K: y/n/n, we’re so sorry
Jb: you can stay at the chateau permanently
Yn: I wish I could but I go back to see my little sister. I’ve made my dad promise that if she makes him mad, then he can hurt me instead. If I stay here then there’s no one to look out for her
P: what about your mum?
You look down, tears pooling in your eyes
Yn: my dad kǐlled her when I was 12.
K: that’s awful, why would he do that!
Yn: I don’t really know, I think he forced her to marry him. He always wanted a boy and when that didn’t happen he started to hǐt her.
Everyone went silent. They didn’t know how to react. You were always so happy and joyful, they never would’ve known. Jj only knew bc he saw you covering up your bruises one day.
⚠️⚠️ part 3 ⚠️⚠️
Jb: im just thinking out loud here. What if you and your sister stay here?
P: that’s stupid, her dad wouldn’t let yn take his daughter, plus yn isn’t a adult yet
Yn: actually, that’s a pretty good idea!
P: what?!
Jb: told ya
S: yn how would that work?
Yn: well my dad doesn’t really care about Lilliana. It’s not like he talks to her. When she’s at home she’s just in her room.
Jj: are you sure your dad wouldn’t get mad?
Yn: well not 100%, but we can try
K: sounds like a plan! Do you wanna go get her?
Yn: yeah, I’ll just sneak through her window. My dad should be passed out drunk by now.
Jj: I’ll go with you
Yn: actually I was thinking Sarah and Kie could come. I think jj and pope could be a bit intimidating.
Jb: what about me? Am I not intimidating
Yn: well Jj looks cool and Pope is smart
All of you except John B laugh
I might have time to make part 4 later but it could be a few hours for the next one
⚠️⚠️ part 4!! ⚠️⚠️
You, sarah and Kie are in the Twinkie. You stop the car a few minutes away from the house.
Yn: ok stay in the car and I’ll be back soon
S: be safe!
Yn: I’ll be so safe
(I had to add that in💀)
You walk down the road (your house is like what JJ’s was) and go around the back of the house. You stood on top of some trash bags and grabbed onto the wood. In the past you’ve knocked a few pieces of wood out, so you can climb up to Lillianas window. You get up to her window and knock on it lightly. She comes over and opens it.
L = Lilliana
L: what are you doing here?
Yn: Ive come to get you! Now move I’m getting tired hanging out here.
She moves out the way and you climb in
L: what do you mean “get me”??
Yn: we’re gonna live at the chateau
L: the what?
Yn: it’s where a few of my friends live.
L: so I get to live with you!
Yn: yeah! Get your stuff together and we’ll go.
You and Lilliana climb down her window and start walking to the Twinkie.
Yn: you start going ahead, I just gotta do something
You start walking back to the house. You had $5000 saved in your room. You’ve had jobs since you turned 14 because you had to pay for the bills and food.
You opened the door and snuck pass your dad passed out on the couch. You get to your room and stuff the money in your pockets.
You are heading for the door
D = dad
D: yn what are you doing here?
You turned around
Yn: I was just checking on Lilliana
D: you weren’t gonna say hello to me?
Your dad always did this, he’d pass out and when he just wakes up he acts all nice and loving.
Yn: I’m rather busy dad.
D: no stay! I want to spend time with my daughter
He reached out and grabbed your wrist. But you snatched it away.
Yn: I’m really sorry for what I’m about to do dad
He lifts his head up
D: what do you mean
You punch his in the nose. He falls back to the couch
Yn: omg I can’t believe I just did that
You race out the door and meet with Lilliana
Ok I actually don’t have time to write part 5 for a few hours. Also thank you for the support everyone!!
⚠️⚠️ part 5!!⚠️⚠️ this isn’t as good bc when I come back from seeing my mums side family members I feel so anxious!
You guys get to the Twinkie.
Yn: this is Sarah and Kie
S & K: hi!
L: hi nice to meet you
You guys drive home and Sarah, Kie and Lilliana get along
Yn: ok we’re home! Now Lils (Lillianas nickname) you’re gonna meet Pope, John B and JJ
Kie whispers to Lils
K: Yn and Jj have a connection 😉
You guys walk inside and see the guys. (I’m so tired after that family dinner so I’m not gonna write out the dialogue). Lilliana gets along with the others and is now playing a game with JJ
L: I win again!
Jj: what?!
You start laughing bc you know JJ wants to get mad but doesn’t want to scare your sister
L: I’m gonna go get changed
Yn: ok sweetie
Jj: I let her win you know
Yn: sure 💀
The others were on the couch talking.
Jb: guys let’s go in the cats a$$ tonight!
Everyone agrees and goes to get changed
You went into the bathroom (Lilliana was sleeping in your bed)
You had forgotten that you were covered in bruises and cuts. You didn’t want to make the others feel sad so you put on a bikini and a hoodie and denim shorts over (the others had already seen your legs bc you changed into shorts earlier. But the top half of you body had lots more bruises)
You all went out to the hot tub and you sat on the side with only your legs in.
K: aren’t you gonna get in yn?
Yn: um maybe in a minute, I’m just feeling a bit hot
P: but you’re wearing a hoodie?
Yn: right, but this hoodie isn’t warm
Jj looked at you concerned. He knew your were lying bc you would play with your nails when you were anxious or lying
Y’all stay in the hot tub for an hour then get out. Pope and Kie went home and you were walking to your room when JJ stopped you.
Jj: hey what’s wrong
Yn: huh? Nothing
Jj: yn I know you’re lying! Why didn’t you want to get in the hot tub
Yn: it’s nothing Jj. I just wasn’t feeling like it
Jj: it’s not nothing yn! Look I know you, you are my best friend since third grade, I love you!!
Yn: as a friend..??
Jj: what? Oh yeah right! As a friend definitely.
Yn: Okayy well I’m gonna go get some sleep. Um see you in the morning
(You, Kie and the other guys always said I love you then added “as a friend” so people wouldn’t get the wrong ideas)
You got into the bed with Lilliana. You couldn’t sleep. You were just laying there thinking about what happened
Part 6 will be tomorrow or I might write it at like midnight
⚠️⚠️ part 6!! ⚠️⚠️ (it’s rather short)
~ Your thoughts ~
I’m probably other thinking this. I mean he doesn’t love me. No boy will love me, that’s what my father always said. I’m so stupid! Why would JJ like me! Hes so cute and funny and hot. But I’m well.. me! It’s idiotic for me to have a crush on him. He’ll never like me, no one ever will… I’m unloveable…
~ JJ’s thoughts ~
Omg I can’t believe that just happened!! I love her so much! Her smile, her eyes, her voice. She’s perfect. I’m so confused. I thought we had a little thing going on. I mean we kind of flirt. I call her cupcake. She calls me blondie. I hold her hand. She kissed me on the cheek. I’ve cuddled with her after she told me about her dad.
~ your thoughts ~
We always flirt so I thought we had something
~ JJ’s thoughts ~
I think we have something… I love her
~ your thoughts ~
I love him! But he doesn’t feel the same way. I don’t want things to be awkward so I’ll just distance myself from him.
~ JJ’s thoughts ~
I’m gonna ask her out tomorrow!
⚠️⚠️ ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ y’all it won’t let me write anymore so look for my other comment with part 7!!! I’ll make it look obvious that I wrote it⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
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