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A Branch of Sanskrit in Ancient Middle East | Mitanni Empire #shorts
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4,855 Views • Sep 10, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
About the time when Indo europeans migrated into Indian subcontinent, there existed a subgroup of Indo europeans in modern day Syria and Turkey. The same nomadic people who brought Sanskrit to India, their counterpart in middle east brought a proto form of Sanskrit closer to Hittite empire. The words in their language corresponds closer to the Proto Indo European and thus to Sanskrit. #shorts #sanskrit #Mitanni
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Views : 4,855
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 10, 2022 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


8 months ago

Education is important but the right eduaction is more important

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8 months ago

Sanskrit is a sub-branch of Proto Indo European,it came into ISC(included Afghanistan Bharat, Bangladesh and Pakistan, with the eastern Aryan tribes who had lost the day against western branch of Aryan in their initial abode Central Asia.

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7 months ago

bro that mittani text is of 1300 bc and vedic sanskrit is more older than 1700bc

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1 month ago

It’s went out of India ..not came to India 🇮

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1 year ago

There is another text that talks about horse training, which is written in vedic sanskrit. We see the use of the word "aika" = one which is indo aryan word. The text is dated to 1400bce, which also settles that sanskrit is very old Lang even before tamil was found.

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6 months ago

Very interesting! Also take a look at yezidi temples. ❤

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2 years ago

Yes, sanskrit originated in India and moved out

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1 year ago

Happy to have come across your channel. Just be sure to state solid source and evidence and also try to mention why the opposing theory can be ruled out so that viewers can differentiate facts from narratives

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1 year ago

Maturity is when you found that tamil, telegu have more words similar like sanskrit but not hindi😃

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1 year ago

It's wierd people still believe in Aaryan invasion theory

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1 month ago

i speak Castellano. and your englishh is realy good i understud everithing, thabks!



4 months ago

Your map at the beginning is wrong.
There was sintashta culture, in southern ural, and from there a movement named andronovo culture through Central Asia, more exactly ai its eastern side, heading to Bactria. There showed up indo-aryans (after slight mix with Oxus Civilization). Some of them headed, from Bactria, to Anatolia and created the Mittani kingdom.



1 year ago

Wrong. Mitannis went there from India because there's archeological evidence of them bringing Elephants and Peacocks into West Asia and Peacock motifs were a part of their culture and both the animals are only found in India and not in Central Asia which proves Mitannis went from India

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2 years ago

It's more like Sanskrit (BHS) was derived from Pakit (Prakrit) as it got refined and the Mahayan Buddhism rose, but the reason you'd find these word in Vedic Sanskrit is that the Rigved is mostly a Sanskrit copy of "Jaind Avesta" from Mittani. Even, the Vedic Sanskrit is grammatically error packed if we see it in BHS's context
Reference- Indian Epigracy by DC Sircar

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2 years ago

Vedic horse in Rigveda I.162.18 has 34 ribs like the Arabian horse, not 36 like Central Asian horse. Arises from the ocean I.163.1 showing more connections to southern regions. Another point that disproves the Aryan Invasion/Migration said to have brought the horse into India. If you still insist on lies and bluff, I will not give important to your comments any more. I go by facts not propaganda and lies.

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8 months ago

Mittani is not protosanskrit ,it is a branch of proto indo European ,Mittani is older than Sanskrit . Sanskrit speaker entered India not from turkey , instead they came from steppes of Russia.

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2 years ago

By the way. All 4 f that territory is called Armenian planes where the country of Armenia was located before arrival of Turks. And the words you mentioned we are still using in Armenia

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4 months ago

Please study, like did brilliantly some indian scholars, key concepts like Andronovo Culture and BMAC, the place (Bactriana and Margiana) where was the Oxus civilization till being destroyed by the andronovan (proto-scythian) people, ancestors of the first indo-aryans.



1 year ago

Mittani had peacocks and zebu cattle from India.

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1 year ago

Sanskrit was brought to India 🇮🇳 by the Arya

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