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#4. Story of pi(π) || #shorts||#youtubeshorts|| #MathCyberspace||By-Trisha Dhar
 60 FPS video
542 Views • May 28, 2021 • Click to toggle off description
What is π, when and how π is invented?

1. Story of Epsilon:    • #1 Story of Epsilon || #youtubeshorts...  
2. Story of Delta:    • #2. Story of Delta || #youtubeshorts ...  
3. Math vs physical attraction:    • #3. Math Vs Physical Attraction ||Are...  

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Lecture 1:    • Lec-1: Calculus of Variations|| What ...  
Lecture 2:    • Lec-2: Calculus of Variations|| Anoth...  
Lecture 3:    • Lecture 3: Calculus of Variations || ...  
Lecture 4:    • Lecture 4: Calculus of Variations|| I...  
Lecture 5:    • Lecture 5: Calculus of Variations || ...  

Study Materials..............................
1. Real Analysis:    • Video  
2. Linear Algebra:    • Video  
3. Complex Analysis:    • Video  
4. Modern Algebra:    • Video  
5. Differential Equations:    • Video  
6. Numerical Analysis:    • Video  
7. Integral Equations, Calculus of Variations, Classical Mechanics:    • Video  

PRACTICE SET 1: youtube.com/watch?v=c9W3d...
PRACTICE SET 2:    • Practice Set-2||Differential Equation...  
PRACTICE SET 3:    • Practice Set-3|| Chap-2-Linear Differ...  

#youtubeshorts, #shorts, #MathCyberspace
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 542
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 28, 2021 ^^

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


3 years ago

It was a helpful video..
Keep uploading these helpful videos..

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