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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Anne gave to charity and helped the poor? She was really mad that Cromwell and Henry were spending money form the church am pretty sure on themselves instead of giving to charity or something. This honestly just seems like hate to her. She also might have been not kind but we shouldn’t ignore when or how she was kind like to her daughter, she loved Elizabeth so much she was more scared of having to lose Elizabeth than her own execution and she also bought Elizabeth clothes before her beheading being scared that Henry and his new wife were gonna mistreat or neglect Elizabeth. Why do people always look at what anne did bad but never what she did good. If I had to be honest no one really likes anne they like Natalie dormer.
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Anne was involved in passing the poor law, helping to find poor/uneployed work... The law passed a few months before her execution... In the poor law, Anne wanted it to contain healthcare, education, jobs for the poor and councils to govern it... Eventually we got that, at the time this radical idea was opposed, Cromwell presented Henry with a slimmed down version...
Anne was human, the very things that captivated Henry led to her downfall, the qualities Henry loved and moved heaven and earth for were not what he wanted in a wife...
She over stepped, she crossed both Henry and Cromwell and other powerful men at court over the dissolution of the monestorie amongst other things... She wanted the riches to be used for charitable projects, Henry and Cromwell had other ideas, as did other powerful self serving men at court...
Anne funded education which we today take for granted... Imagine not being able to read the bible, particularly in a time when you literally lived by it, going to church and hearing the sermon in a tongue you don't understand, for those liberated to be able to both read and hear their God's words in a language they can fully understand must have felt glorious to them... Effectively she did help people get closer to their God than they had ever been... Ultimately Henry's word was law, political powers at court in those times were toxic, the men whispering poison have aot to amswer for... All of us have a balance of fire in us, Anne was fiery, she was outspoken and witty in a tine that it wasn't ok for women to be, she was ahead of her time, complex and flawed like many of us are... We cant judge Anne of people of history by todays standards, she was who she unapologetic as she smashed the glass ceiling of a male dominated world, she had a voice she used it, she played her cards wanted more for the poor including education, sadly she lost... Imagine what history might have been like without her... Moreover imagine if she had succeeded in directing money etc to the poor...
1 month ago
I love Anne she is very preety