Most of your household cleaners are toxic.
They add to your body burden of environmental chemicals - and your body, your immune system, your liver, kidneys has to work overtime to protect your body from being harmed by the chemicals.
Most toxic chemicals found in household cleaners fall into these categories:
Carcinogens – which cause or promote cancer
Endocrine disruptors – which mimic human hormones and cause false signals within the body and lead to issues such as infertility, premature puberty, miscarriage, menstrual issues, ADHD and even cancer.
Neurotoxins – which affect brain activity and cause issues such as headaches and memory loss
The cleaners most people buy and use are toxic. When you touch them during cleaning, touching the surfaces that you’ve cleaned and breathing in air in that room all exposes you to the toxic ingredients in the product.
So using less-toxic cleaners is a great way to lower that body burden and lower disease risk
We’re exposed to the chemicals in cleaning products when we’re in contact with them, when they off gas into the air and then we breathe them in, when we put food on a surface that was cleaned, when we touch a surface that was cleaned.... etc
So the ingredients matter.
And baking soda, vinegar, and Castile soap are very cheap and efficient - and safe! 💖
Most of your house can be cleaned with these cheap and safe ingredients:
-diluted vinegar: odor-elimination, as a spray or laundry booster
-castille soap diluted in water: for cleaning all surfaces, kitchen, bathroom etc.
-baking soda: used as a “soft-scrub”, stubborn bathroom messes, cleaning your oven or stovetop
If you aren’t into DIY cleaning products, you can buy a non-toxic product like Branch Basics.
Branch Basics is another great nontoxic option. It is a concentrate that you dilute into reusable spray bottles. You can use it to clean your kitchen, bathroom, and do laundry. Use our link that saves you $10., the Environmental Working Group also has a huge database of cleaners with toxicity ratings, to help you find other brands that you can trust. 🌱You don’t need to spend money on cleaning products loaded with dyes, fragrance, foaming agents, corrosive ingredients, heavy metals, and endocrine disrupters.
Remember: just because it’s sold in a store does not mean it’s safe,
(especially because these products are used in combination with the many other toxic products/exposures in our daily life) sources of environmental exposure to toxins .
Be careful with “green washed” cleaners that say non toxic, but still are.
Also worth noting that some of the cheaper cleaners sold in dollar stores are extra toxic too so it’s a whole socio-economic issue. And last but not least, all of these chemicals end up back in the water systems and our environment. There is no “away”. 🔁🌎🌱
#nontoxic #healthy #lowtox #cleaning #health
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