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0143ab93_videojs8_1563605_YT_2d24ba15 licensed under gpl3-or-later
Views : 519,548
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 9, 2023 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.754 (1,849/28,199 LTDR)
93.85% of the users lieked the video!!
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User score: 90.77- Overwhelmingly Positive
RYD date created : 2023-08-20T20:35:10.414571Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
It's so sad how Peyton was portrayed on the show. Due to the producers making her and her mom seem like bullies, 13 year old Peyton got DEATH THREATS. Even people watching Dance Moms are blind to this. Peyton wasn't even supposed to be on the show. One day, the show was getting into Peyton's normal senior class time, so Leslie went to ask about it, and they shoved a camera in her face. I love the show and all, but some things the producers did were unacceptable. Sorry for the paragraph!!
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1 year ago
love seeing Peyton' and her mom's smirk wiped off their faces
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