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5,756,581 Views • Aug 2, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 5,756,581
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 2, 2022 ^^

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

Шести метровый бук тремя клиньями раскалывали на четыри половины . А на липу пятьдесят клиньев уходило .

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2 years ago

I’ve split locust for fence rails before. It ain’t no joke. Good hard work.

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2 years ago

Dude, you need to get more wedges or a heavy wooden mallet, to save the poll of your axe.

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2 years ago

Never ever use an ax for this!

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2 years ago

This is the most difficult job the human body can perform. Splitting wood. Good job!

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2 years ago

If you haven't already ruined the ax you soon will. Using the ax for a splitting wedge will open up the eye socket of the ax. Once the eye starts to open one side of the eye sidewall will bend outward and split. The eye started to open with your first soft tap to set it in place. There's not much you can do with the remaince of the ax.

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2 years ago

I don't understand why you only have one splitting wedge ? I am poor and I have three .

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2 years ago

Buy another wedge. Your axe Will love it.

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2 years ago

Can't afford another wedge, so uses his axe.
Hitting the rear of axe head will eventually mushroom head the axe head, something like how a cold chisel does.

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2 years ago

Watch the mushrooming of those wedges! A friend of mine splitting wood one day hit the wedge just right and a chip broke off into his leg! Emergency room time.

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2 years ago

Ну расколол отрезок бруса, а в чём прикол или что-то невероятное, стоящее внимания?)

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2 years ago

Never toque an axe handle like that unless you want to break it.

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2 years ago

So...I reckon we'll get to see the finished barn....in about 50 years or so....

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2 years ago

Do I spy a fellow native New Yorker in the wild?

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2 years ago

Anybody getting into post and beam needs a minimum of a small sawmill.



2 years ago

Proper way to swing a sledge. Tool abuse of the axe.

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2 years ago

Ya, a good used band saw is about 200 dollars.. it's takes 10 seconds to rip that.

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2 years ago

Great eyewear!

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2 years ago

I wish I was able to help you Sir 👍👌

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2 years ago

That split faster than me and my ex-wife.

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