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Super Mario 64's Lost Screamer
 60 FPS video
29,520 Views • Dec 2, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Super Mario 64's Lost Screamer

Title Theme - Super Mario 64
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 29,520
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 2, 2023 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.966 (14/1,654 LTDR)

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0.84% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 98.74- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2025-01-21T01:42:39.741221Z
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1 year ago

i remember an old video made back in 2017 by a youtuber name AndrewJohn100. The video was called "The Bad Word", the video is now lost. There was a reaction video for the vid but it has been removed due to the person who made the reaction getting termated.

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1 year ago

I know this has been brought up multiple times by myself and is unrelated, but I feel as if I should bring it up here as it’s extremely important to the history of creepypastas/myths/screamers much like Big Star Secret

Casey’s cave (an old Minecraft creepypasta) had its own mythos around it similarly to Herobrine or Entity 303 as like in the case with Herobrine with the brocraft streams, there was a lost YouTube series on YouTube called “Casey’s cave entry” made by a YouTuber named ECWgaming who helped popularise the original Caseys cave creepypasta, however the series has unfortunately became lost media, much like the original images depicting white eyes or the brocraft streams. I actually made a mini documentary about the Casey’s cave series but it’s since been a dead end. I know you may not see this comment but I was hoping since you’ve covered minecraft lost media in this video, perhaps you could cover the lost Caseys cave series in the next episode as that lost media is unfortunately extremely underrated.

Ok so I’m pretty sure anyone who’s been following my series of posts gets the drill already on what this show is but to quote myself

“Hello everyone, it’s been multiple months now and sadly there hasn’t been any updates on the search, I’m reposting this because I want to reignite the search as I believe I’ve came quite close to finding the show once again. Please help me find this and enjoy what I have to say.

For starters to those who are unaware, Scaretheater is a horror channel/Mystery channel who posts videos of him explaining strange phenomena from around the world, what many don’t know with the exception of a select few is that Scaretheater’s alternative account named Owler had a former name, this name was ECWgaming. To prove this I’ll link one of his old videos were he mentions he had a gameplay channel in the description of that video

• CreepyPasta Thoug... .

Now let’s get into what was on the channel. Not much notable content was posted on the channel with the exception being his old minecraft series named “Casey’s cave entry”.

The show ran for around 5-6 episodes and followed the protagonists using discs they found to find out the truth about a missing woman named Casey. The first video is on YouTube, however it has been muted and talked over by another YouTuber, heres the link

• Don't Enter insid... .

Recently I was also able to track ECWgaming’s deviantart account were he posted concept art for potential merch of the series, here’s the link https://www.deviantart.com/ecwgaming .

Also just to let everyone know, this show was based on a creepypasta called Casey’s Cave by TheBrothersMachado. Here’s the og story if you want to listen to it

• "Casey's Cave" (O...

Update: someone has helped me find all the URLs for all the previous videos here. We’ve archived all the URLs in a pastebin, however sadly they are not functional, hopefully someone can fully restore the videos https://pastebin.com/PuSttnjw . Reddit, please help me find this.”

This was four days ago, however as of recent, I believe I have found undeniable proof that the show exists in the most unexpected way. So on YT recently I typed up Casey’s cave in hopes of finding any updates on the hunt, however one thing peaked my interest. It seems when you type in Casey’s cave or Casey’s cave minecraft into the YT search bar, one of the most common side results is “Casey’s cave entry”.

And there it was, the title of the show. Now what does this prove you may ask? Well since YouTube likes to archive certain words and phrases that relate to a video title/genre so if I were to type in minecraft, other results might be, minecraft 100 days or minecraft tutorial. So at one point in YouTube history, the term “Casey’s cave entry” was a popular search result hence why it is one of the recommended search results meaning that the series was decently popular.

Now what now you may ask? I have one request and one request only, spread the word that this show existed. If we can get big lost media youtubers like LoopedsonicQ or BlameitonJorge to cover the search, hopefully that could bolster the amount of people looking for the show and therefore get more results. If you happen to find anything by any chance, message me on Reddit and we can try and think of ways to archive all the episodes

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1 year ago

Oh I remember finding a lost media video on this! Rn the investigation is at a dead end which I’m sad it would be so cool if is was found

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1 year ago

Congrats on 100k subscribers!

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1 year ago

I wish this video will be found one day! And congrats on 100k

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4 weeks ago

How have we still not managed to find this?



1 year ago

I Like You Man and I can't You Have 100k Now You did it keep it Up

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7 months ago

I love your vids keep up the good work❤



1 year ago

Congrats on 100k subs pigpiggamer

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1 year ago

now its quicker!

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6 months ago





1 year ago

i remember watching this as a wee laddie and i cried cuz i ws like 7 or smthn

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1 year ago

Now all we need is a wanted screen lol



1 year ago

@PigPigGamer I actually found the big star secret super Mario 64 when was watching a video of you and when I scrolled I found the thumbnail and the video

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6 months ago

Where oswald when you need him



7 months ago

Ngl I thought that was luigi reacts to Nintendo memes lol



8 months ago

If I could make my own I would try to add people into the background at some point ngl



1 year ago

To shoeshead, thanks for ruining the discord server for this piece of lost media

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3 months ago

Do a “Local Cartoon Network hijack 2008” Because there’s a lot of remakes


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