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Views : 6,473
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 10, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I didn't hate The Conjuring 3, the nun, or really anything that has ever had to do with the Conjuring. I did however feel a huge hole in the franchise ever since being blown away by the Conjuring 2. After opening the franchise in such a huge way, the trajectory fell flat for me. I hate when James Wan creates these amazing worlds that could in theory be dove into for days and then hands them off to others who don't share his same vision. He should either let the movies stand alone as is or try to stick around. I considered the Conjuring to be the spiritual successor of the first Insidious movie. That movie and the first 2 Conjuring films have this shared directive quality to them that I wish we could have experienced as one big franchise
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I just think is so funny that WB just gave the whole franchise to Michael Chaves, because maybe he's the only who's saying "yes". Doing La Llorona, Conjuring 3, Nun 2 and now Conjuring 4.
The franchise is DOA, but I hoped it continued only just so I could laugh at more new movies with Michael Chaves behind the camera.
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It's one of the best franchises but I'm not sad there will be spin off's but it's hard to beat the first Conjuring movie it is definitely a top 10 or 15 best horror movie classic of all time. For me at least. It scared me the first time I watched and I'm desensitized from being scared pretty much from any horror or anything scary anymore. But I sure love it! I didn't care for the Conjuring 3 parts of the story didn't come together to make sense in the end I was so bummed the first 2 were perfect.
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1 year ago
I feel like James Wan is the only one who can make a good Conjuring movie, tbh.
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