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Views : 43,623
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 11, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Just because my boy was watching a game in church doesn't negate the true character of his soul. Most people talking trash here are hypocrites anyway and trying to gain clout. They know as well as all of us that their the same ones that act all godly and better than everyone in most situations until now lmao! Let me tell you lizards something about Paddy, do you research and know this man is not a legend just in the ring but gives to his community, helps the sick, and his money actually goes to things that build his community. You lizards put your money in a bowl to cleanse your soul and watch as the preacher drives off with your money in a rolls!😮 Nuff said so keep your mouth shut and do something for your community before the crap falls out your mouth once again. And congratulations to you and your family paddy on the twins and win this one in 5 weeks for them and everything you stand for. So much love from the middle of nowhere USA and we will forever have your back!!
12 |
Thats not even the most disrespectful thing ive see in a church
All those old ladys gossiping
All the preachs ducking lil boys
All the false believers that only follows "religion" during the hour they are inside the church
A whole lot of hypocrisy in this comment section too
Faith is proved with acts and Paddy does more for the unfortunate and people with needs than all of them combined plus this whole comment section
Get a grip and stop hating!
1 year ago
53 |