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Video id : _C8J-QL8S4U
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Video Format : (720p) openh264 ( https://github.com/cisco/openh264) mp4a.40.2 | 44100Hz
Audio Format: 140 ( High )
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Mystery text : X0M4Si1RTDhTNFUgaSAgbG92ICB1IGV1LXByb3h5LnBva2V0dWJlLmZ1bg==
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67,424 Views • Feb 26, 2021 • Click to toggle off description
A portrait video on the YouTubez? Indeed! Whilst some of you will have had this video suggested as per normal, others (perhaps most) will have had it suggested through Shorts.

Shorts are a relatively new feature on YouTube, mirroring the success of other apps. I thought, what a great opportunity to both educate and entertain people by popularising fallacies!


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#shorts #fallacies #argument #rationalityrules #atheism #education
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 67,424
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 26, 2021 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.925 (91/4,772 LTDR)

98.13% of the users lieked the video!!
1.87% of the users dislieked the video!!
User score: 97.19- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2022-01-30T08:49:09.726165Z
See in json


Top Comments of this video!! :3


4 years ago

This is a re-upload as it had an important typo. Sorry for the spam on your feed people!

102 |


4 years ago

I like this new shorts series. Pls make a playlist of em

184 |


4 years ago

I've always liked: "Malaria is caused by bad air that comes from the swamp"

No, but.....yeah, but.....no,but....no, its the bugs....but ,yeah

66 |


3 years ago

“Pirates are misunderstood climat activists” R’amen! Finally someone gets it.

34 |


4 years ago

Me trying to explain to my wife why the stars don’t effect her or her friends

178 |


4 years ago

"With prayer, god's help, hours of study, paying attention in class, asking for clarification about anything I was unsure of until I had a comprehensive understanding of the subject at hand, I passed my examination."

44 |


4 years ago

"I failed my logic exam because I'm a pisces."
No; you failed your logic exam because you believe you failed it because you are a pisces.

28 |


4 years ago

sure, but that last one is true. Pirates are just trying to save the world

19 |


4 years ago

Gosh I'm in love with these series already

2 |


3 years ago

This is a great little idea. The eye poke had me laughing pretty good.

1 |


3 years ago

You have no idea how helpful these shorts are. Thank you!



1 year ago

We were taught this as the "Post hoc" argument, from the Latin Post hoc ergo propter hoc for After it, therefore because of it. Thank you, Mr. Woodford for the new terminology, at least new to me.



4 years ago

Nicely done.
These shorts are marvelous for packing a lot of information into a small amount of time.
Please continue. 👍



4 years ago

I love these small bits where u break down logical fallacies one by one. Helps me understand the english language better :).

1 |


4 years ago

I knew this short on False Cause Fallacy was coming. My horoscope told me.

3 |


4 years ago

These are so practical!

5 |


4 years ago

I'm 10! Hehehehe 😁 I really appreciate these short videos. They're a nice little break throughout the day with cool thought provoking stuff 🧜🏼

10 |


4 years ago

Loving these shorts. Quick, funny and very well edited. Keep them coming 👍

5 |


4 years ago

Poking yourself in the eye for a joke takes commitment.
Respect. Twas funny.



3 years ago

Gonna comment this same comment on all the shorts, not to purposefully spam but because just in case you only see it on one, please keep making these. They are SO SO useful for learning all the many many fallacies that people use to make their case.


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