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Views : 664
Genre: Entertainment
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 11, 2024 ^^
warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-09-12T03:53:17.234683Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I get that Jonathan would need to recover after being nerfed in S4 but I think that if they do a one year time jump in S5, that is more than enough time for him to recover and get back to his prime. He only smoked weed for a few months. It’s not gonna take him years to get back to normal or something. He could totally return to his prime within a year.
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Goated edit 🔥🐐 and this battle could go either way, unfortunately I don't think so Jonathan S5 return on his prime because in S4 is nerfed badly, imo Jonathan wins high-extreme (I changed my mind before I think Jonathan wins mid-high diff) but could go either way, Jonathan S3 slams Jason mid-high diff or mid diff i
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Jason Carver (Season 4/Bloodlusted)
Jonathan Byers (Season 3/Prime)
Strength : Jonathan (0-1)
Speed : Jason (1-1)
Durability : Jonathan (1-2)
Weapons : Jason (2-2)
IQ/Battle IQ/Combat : Jonathan (2-5)
Agility : Jason (3-5)
Skills/Reflexes : Jonathan (3-7)
Potential/Power/Stamina : Jason (6-7)
Fight/Feats/DC : Jonathan (6-10)
AP : Jason (7-10)
Jonathan Byers (Season 3/Prime)
10 - 7
Jason Carver (Season 4/Bloodlusted)
Jonathan Byers (Season 3/Prime)
(Mid-High Diff)
3 weeks ago
I feel like if Jason was alive in season five, we would have probably seen some great character development and he finds out that he made a mistake about hellfire.