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Views : 7,039
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Feb 13, 2025 ^^
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RYD date created : 2025-02-18T01:57:32.041441Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Yes, this kid needs consequences - what he said was unacceptable, but this is a hurt & angry kid who needs to feel loved, understand that he is still very important to his Mum, and that he has a place in that new family. Your son obviously hates the new changes in his life & wants to blame them on the biggest change - the guy him mom married. It sounds like he was so infuriated by being punished by someone he considers āAn Interloperā and when he lost his temper, he said the most hurtful things, because he, himself, is hurt. He needs to learn how to properly handle his anger and why what he called his step-father was so offensive & unacceptable. also that the things that make us different from each other, are things to appreciate, not divide and ridicule. It honestly sounds, however, that this is a hurt kids who hates the divorce & new relationship, feels pushed aside and replaced, hates being directed & punished by his motherās new partner, and wishes his life could go back to his original family.
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Full Story š
I'm a 43 year old man and my son is 16 years old. I'm divorced, have been for a few years now, and my ex-wife remarried recently. Her new husband Jonathan is black, we're white. He and my ex-wife are now expecting a baby together. He also has two teenage boys himself. My ex-wife and I share custody, but our son spends most of his time at my place because he has more room and privacy here. Last weekend, he was at his moms, and on Sunday he called me very upset, asking me to come pick him up. I rushed over there and discovered that he got into a fight with Jonathan over some chores. Jonathan locked him out of the Wi-Fi and banned him from video games until he completed his chores, which is how my ex-wife and I also discipline him. And Jonathan has our permission to do the same if my son acts out. He can use the same methods with his sons. More long-term or serious punishments are, of course, decided between my ex-wife and me. But no video games today type of thing is totally fine for Jonathan to do. My ex-wife and Jonathan then told me that my son got very upset over this, punishment and told Jonathan to fuck off. Jonathan then told him to stop talking like that, to which my son replied, you and your sons ruined my life, so you don't get to tell me what to do. I won't take orders from an end anyway. I asked my son if this was all true. He said, yes, he actually called him the N word, because well, isn't it true? I lost it and told my son he is grounded for the entire month. My ex-wife agreed. He is obviously annoyed and angry because he had numerous plans with his friends
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2 weeks ago
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