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Top Comments of this video!! :3
"It works to activate a base" and "it feels like a virtuous form of bigotry." These two things, combined with the fact that it unifies disparate groups of people makes anti-Semitism (Jew hatred) a useful tool in taking over a society. A Muslim preacher in the U.S. recently stated that if Americans were to (en mass) convert to Islam, it would solve the Palestinian problem. In other words, turning the U.S. into a Muslim state controlled by Sharia, the mass demonstrations and terrorism would end.
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I mean, that is applicable to basically all kinds of racial/ethnic bigotry that has happened to different groups as long as civilization has been around. Not sure how you can pick one group and say it's specific to them per se. Certainly the Jewish people have been on the wrong end of such ideas, but by no means are they the only.
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She is right on!
Use of the upcoming generations of adults among students (; the educated class) who are a group in vulnerable learning mode, in a close geographic area are easily converted and organized. Universities are connected to eachother through current educational trends.
They become the base of what? A base of ideologies which feel new, exciting integration, answering who and why questions with am internal logic to the group. Many young adults are somewhat lost away from family and need each other not only as peers but as guiding family like groups as they transition to being in their own. Becoming an adult, knowing right from wrong, to make life changing decisions on ones own for the first time for many is scary time. The leaders of these groups are often the teachers who were students not so long ago needing those same groups. Themselves became functioning adults maintaining the same ideologies from their youth. They become guiding lights. Perfect to become useful idiots guided by outside funded organizations with an agenda using rebellious and morally superior attitudes and tactics, a way to declare independence from family. Iran itself was transformed by similar students, liberal useful idiots that were either religiously transformed or murdered after Ayatollah came into power. IRGC. It's also similar to Russian communists' revolution. There are many more examples in history. Themes of oppression are often dominant.
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3 months ago
It's a classic tactic going back millennia. You can unify a disparate, infighting group by giving them a common enemy to hate. You then rise to power with that group by promising to be the best person to "solve the problem" of that enemy.
Jews aren't the only group to be victimized that way but since the fall of ancient Israel they've been a minority everywhere making them an easy target. Hating the successful also tends to look toward Jews because most societies have a disproportionately successful minority and Jews have often been that successful minority.
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