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Views : 492,129
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 8, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I come home from school once to my dad's. His young pregnant girlfriend was crying. Saying " you don't want your dad to go to prison do you!?" I was confused. I was 9 or 10. My dad was screaming in the kitchen. Punching the walls and tables. Saying "you cheating nasty n loving w**re!. Where's my pistol!?" Apparently he had caught her in a car load of dude's (she was turning into a junky). I asked her "wheres the pistol?" She had hid it in a drawer. My dad hadnt even noticed i came in really. So i snuck into their room. Got the pistol and put it in my backpack. Then i took my backpack to the woods. He tried to find it. He went into that drawer probably 10 mins after i had found it. I like to think i saved my dad from prison that day. I saved my little brother who hadnt been born yet. And i saved my old stepmom. I had never seen my dad that mad before. I didnt know how strong he was before then. He punched that solid oak table like it was nothing knocking a corner off it. Ill never forget it. They split up not long after that. My dad got full custody of my brother and his mom went off to do her own thing. Basically drugs and dudes lol. Im proud of the fact i have never lost my temper infront of my daughters. Theyve seen me upset sure. But they've never seen me irate. And theyve never seen me cry
2 weeks ago
$25 in 1951 is about the equivalent of a decent .22 in today's price, around $300.
If you have not seen this whole interview, watch it. This gentleman lived an amazing life, absolutely a hero.
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