✨️Sneak Peek! Maintain Gain Episode 57
🏋 The Use it or Lose it dynamic at play in the realm of personal growth
🚴♂️ The role of discipline, practise and self love on a healing path
🤽♀️ Tools of maintenance and continued growth.
We hope you'll join us, and not only be Encouraged for your Practise, but Empowered with tools to Enhance your ability to Maintain your Gains!
Lori and I have an 8 hour time difference and an ocean between us, and in this session, my video feed had endless issues! I apologize for all the frozen moments - tech is not always as synced up as we would like!
✨️ Link to the full episode is on screen!
If you would like to know more about what each of us do and who we are, keep reading!
If you would like to work with, or contact, one, or both of us, all our details and our offers are in the pinned comment of this episode.
With Love 💖 and Brilliant Light
About Us:
Hi, I am Liss. I live in South Africa with my husband, five spoilt Yorkies, and one kitty!
I am a Science of Mind practitioner, an Energy Intuitive, a Spiritual Guide, and a teacher of Metaphysical Healing modalities, applicable to all dimensions of the self and this life.
All I offer is my experience of my 50-year life path.
I am all about healing; emotional, psychological, and energetic, with mind-based paradigm shifts and perspective expansion.
I share with much love, compassion, and enthusiasm about our potential!
As a 6-time terminal cancer survivor, and a trauma, and abuse overcomer, I give meaning to my past pain by sharing what I have learned, studied and practiced to help myself, for two decades now, to assist to alleviate suffering for others.
I am not special.
I am no different from you.
I am simply a Messenger.
I can be a guide on how to return to Wholeness from a state of dis-ease.
The journey is really hard at times, but I believe We Go Through It to Grow Through It, whatever our individual "it" is!
I am primarily focused on the Evolution of my Soul, the Integration of my Essence, the Embodiment of Higher Energy, and being a Lightbearer in relation to others ~ having a Valuable and Loving impact.
My philosophy and process methods accommodate any and all systems of religious or spiritual faith, or absense thereof, and personal ideologies.
I am here to Express Love as Healing and to Teach Love as Empowerment, and to spread Love and Light, and Peace and Joy, in every way I can, as Ascension.
I connect via the Blue Ray and with the Celestial Realm.
I have had many extra-dimensional personal experiences, as well as 3 NDE's.
My passion at this stage of my life is Personal Empowerment ~ Yours!
Rise up, and Own and Wield your Power!
Re-imagine your story.
Release the pain, suffering, and trauma.
Allow for more Freedom, Bliss, and Joy in your experience.
It IS possible!
Much Love ❤️ and
Brightest ✨️ Blissings!
Links to Contact Me and details of my offerings are always in a pinned comment.
Hi, I'm Lori, a lifelong Wisconsin resident currently living on a peaceful river with my husband and our rescue dog-ter, Zoe!
As a child, I always felt different. I didn't fit in, was bullied, chronically fatigued, full of anxiety, and had an elusive feeling that something was missing... there had to be "MORE".
I knew things that I couldn't possibly know, some of which scared me. I was too young to understand this was a gift, and eventually, I simply shut down my own Knowing. Thus, most of my adult life, I've been on a profound personal journey navigating the beautifully complex labyrinth that many refer to as "awakening."
Several losses and associated trauma, physical violations, betrayal, confusion, loneliness, buckets of tears, and frustration led to chronic mystery illness that allopathic medicine couldn't solve. None of this was part of my life plan! I share all of this with you only to demonstrate that when I say "I understand," it's not lip service.
While working as a medical and psychiatric transcriptionist, learning about the body and mind, I was simultaneously researching and practicing body/mind/spirit healing. Certifications earned include: Biopratique, Reiki, Mediation, Integrative Therapies, and Healing Practices. This unique combination of education and experience has led to my current work as a Naturopathic Practitioner.
My mission is simple yet profound: pass forward what I have been taught and have remembered: there IS so much more!
We are eternal. Infinite. Limitless.
My desire is to illuminate a path paved with resilience, tenacity, and wisdom and to empower others to remember truths for themselves!
We all possess the capacity to transform our lives and to thrive in body, mind, and spirit.
We inherently possess the power to heal and to create the life of our dreams. We are the architects of our destiny.
What will you create, Knowing there are NO limits?
With Love and Light
All "Contact Me" links are in the pinned comment!
#personalgrowth #selfdevelopment #discipline
4 weeks ago
💫Lori here:
My specialty is stem cell activation, and intracellular, regenerative detoxification; a multi-faceted approach to healing that includes Metaphysical practices and understandings.
To connect with me, and/or to begin working directly with me privately, you can find me several ways:
✨️Facebook: www.facebook.com/lori.krajewski.3/
✨️Podcast: www.facebook.com/RootLoriKaye lk.root.mail@gmail.com/
✨️IG: www.instagram.com/lori.krajewski
✨️Campsite: campsite.to/lori.kaye
✨️Email: lk.root.mail@gmail.com/
✨️Gab: gab.com/rootbrand
🪄STEM CELL ACTIVATION: increase stem cells in circulation by 5-7 MILLION cells, thereby reducing/eliminating pain, accelerate healing, & SO much more! This is disrupting the entire stem cell therapy industry, no more donations, no more travelling out of the country. These capsules are effective and SO MUCH MORE AFFORDABLE than even one stem cell treatment! This company shares the most cutting-edge science available at this time that's clinically proven effective: www.activate.healthyhome.com/stemactive
🪄Gut health specialists, highly beneficial probiotics: www.silverfernbrand.com/?rstr=lorikaye
🪄Prife tools (contact me for support):
⚡️iTeraCare Terahertz wands
⚡️iTeraBio & iTeraBio Lyte
💦OxyTap oxygen generator integrated w/ozone filter
🌈Renew Patches (for body)
🧲EMF patches (for electronic devices) ALL ITEMS AVAILABLE HERE: mississippistockistpurchase.com/?bg_ref=KghYO9hJ2x
🪄Intracellular, regenerative detoxification nutraceuticals: www.therootbrands.com/Light4Life ☆TRINITY: Whole body regenerative detoxification:
☆Zero In: Very unique nootropic, supports the gut/heart/brain connection:
☆Clean Slate: The only intracellular, regenerative detox binder that simultaneously removes AND replaces essential nutrients:
☆Immune Defense Shield: Help maintain mitochondria/DNA integrity, helps protects cells from attack. One of our family's favorite formulas!
☆Rahm Roast, single sourced beans from Guatemala, pre-detox'd using patent-pending solutions that eradicated harmful toxins.
NOTE: None of the above info is to be used as medical advice or a substitute for advice of a physician, or for self-diagnosis. Always consult your doctor with questions. None of the products I use and promote are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.
💫Liss here:
My specialty and areas of expertise are Metaphysical and Mind Power understandings, and Intuitive and Energetic practices, which I augment and complement with physical support. Links to Contact and Follow Me:
️✨️FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/melissa.nordh.1?mibextid=ZbWKwL
️✨️INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/just_melissampower?igsh=MW9wcjMw…
✨️TIKTOK: www.tiktok.com/@justmelissa607?_t=8lshslPeQD7&_r=1
✨️LINKTREE: linktr.ee/justmelissa.com
✨️EMAIL: mpowerjustmelissa@gmail.com/
✨️My YouTube Channel: #justMelissa youtube.com/@MPowerMPire?si=8C9BMEAKdK--aU5c
️✨️Late Night Connect: My private Group Zoom sessions. Email me for booking details to join!
🪄Programs I currently offer:
1. ☆ Introducing #MPowerAttune ☆
A Guided Meditation Program that I'm very proud of and excited to bring to market! This is a 4-part, year-long program of Attunements to Higher Frequency Grids, that I've intuitively received, to assist in the Raising of Vibration and Consciousness. If you would like to Purchase this program please ☆EMAIL me☆ to receive a payment link directly. Yours for Only $100! I am also making the option available to purchase the program in 4 installments of $30 each! ★ The Full Year Program consists of 4 Different Guided Meditations, of 3 months duration each, which all build on the ones before. ★ These Meditations are Attuned to the Gamma Wave Frequency of 40 Hertz, and as such, they are Powerfully Creative! ★ They are accompanied by beautiful, soothing Original Compositions by FrequeOut Audio, and they are created to facilitate the following:
☆ Meditation 1: (First 90 days) Seven Physical Energy Centers: Clearing, Balancing, and Expansion. Grounding, Earthing, and Aura Sealing. Hexagon shield/ mirror protection. Relaxation stress relief and core stabilization
☆ Meditation 2: (Day 91 to Day 180) Higher Energy Centers Activation: High Heart Connection. Toroidal Love Field Activation. Pillar of Light Activation. Crystal Heart Grounding. 8th Energy Center Online
☆ Meditation 3: (Day 181 to Day 270) Five D Grid Connection: Diamond Self Connection. Vortex Cleanse and Seal. 5d Grid Integration. Higher Self Integration and Embodiment.
☆ Meditation 4: (Day 271 to Day 360) FiveD Energy System Embodiment: Lower Upper 4 Connection and Integration. Higher Upper 3 Grid Support; 7D Support / 9D Surround. Violet Flame Cosmic Heart Containment. Aqua Ray Waterfall Flow. ChristConsciousness Awareness Lifetime Access and Unlimited use! I have put All my Heart and Soul into these and I am Delighted with the result! They are filled with the Highest Intentions, Frequencies and Vibrations, Powerful Attunements, and Heartbased Connections
2. ☆Opulence☆ ™️
My True Wealth, Intuitive Teaching, Visualization Meditation Program This offer consists of:
★ An ebook teaching in PDF and Audio format, illuminating the Powerful Insights I received around the current realities of Money, Abundance, and Prosperity, and our Financial Freedom.
🌈Brand New and Powerfully Shielded Morphogenetic Fields are available and accessible now for our Plentiful Supply!
💎If you are ready to manifest Powerful Shifts in your Personal Reality in this Sphere of your life, then this Program is for you!!! And
★ A Guided Attunement Visualization Meditation video. 💖 I am Gifting this program to as many as possible with the ultra low cost of only $10 for lifetime use!
3.★ArchAngelic Invocation★
A beautiful invocation video to call on the Divine, True Light Celestial Realm for Powerful Protection, Presence and Assistance in your daily life, also for just $10! Additionally, you can order both ☆Opulence ☆ and the above invocation together for an extra discount of only $16! Email me to order: mpowerjustmelissa@gmail.com/
Important note and disclaimer:
Meditation is generally considered a safe and highly beneficial activity. However, some levels of meditation can require powers of concentration and self reflective ability in order to engage in self-study and examination. You may also enter into an altered state of mind. If you have concerns that you may be uncomfortable engaging in this, then do not proceed. Please consult your healthcare provider before meditating or beginning any program. This by no means implies that meditation or any of the programs will be harmful to you, but it’s always prudent to be on the safe side.
Coming soon:
☆Multiple Affirmation Programs
☆My online course - The Pillars of Personal Power.
Affiliate Disclaimer: We may make a small commission on purchases made through some links in this description, at no cost to you.
Legal Disclaimer: Our messages are never intended to replace standard medical care. Mandatory disclaimers aside, we are genuine advocates of availing ourselves of every form of intervention available! Whether traditional, allopathic, alternative, or natural - proven remedies abound!
Please always engage in extremely thorough personal research before deciding to embark on any course of alleviation, treatment, or potential healing and recovery, which also necessitates an equal amount of counter-research, investigating all the evidence against the process, system, methodology, or product, being considered. It is not sufficient to look at one side of any method only. Both pro and con need to be understood.
All explanations and encouragement shared on this channel, or any of our other platforms, are for entertainment purposes only, and are in no way an attempt to diagnose, or prescribe to, anyone. Please consult your healthcare provider before beginning any course of remediation shared on this channel. Please be aware that we make no claim to be any kind of medical professional.
Anything we say or write should be understood as our opinion and personal experience only, and not an expression of professional advice or prescription. We are all individually entirely responsible for how we perceive, interpret, choose to understand, misunderstand, use, or misuse any information, including, specifically, our writings and communications.
We accept no responsibility for any adverse effects, direct or indirect, that may result from your use of the information on this channel, or any of our programs, products, and information in any of our communications.
Furthermore, we can provide no guarantee that any of the information or practices on this channel, or on any of our platforms, will function or work in any particular way for you.
By viewing this channel and participating in any of our offerings, you agree to use the information contained herein/therein entirely at your own discretion.
With ✨️ Love and ✨️ Light,