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Race: Variant Human
- +1 Constitution
- +1 Wisdom
- Skill: Athletics
- Feat: Resilient: Dexterity - I imagine this character as very Dextrous and Acrobatic.
Point Buy:
STR 12
DEX 15 +1 (Resilient Dex.)
CON 15 +1 (V.H.)
WIS 13 +1 (V.H.)
Background: Urchin
- City Secrets: For help with navigating the urban sprawl, hiding and ambushing enemies from the rooftops you know so well.
- Skills: Stealth is essential for ambushing enemies.
- Tool Proficiencies: The Disguise Kit can provide the face cover that the cahracter in the clip is wearing.
I would like to focus on versatility with this build. We can attack with a bow from a distance, make an improvised attack with the bow up close, make unarmed strikes, dual wield daggers while trippring and pushing enemies.
Level 1: Fighter 1
- Unarmed Fighting Fighting Style - We do not hit as reliably using strength but this fighting style allows us to get up close with the enemies and deal more damage with our unarmed strikes.
Level 2: Fighter 2
- Action Surge - When there are surrounded by enemies we can use this to do even more attacks.
Level 3: Fighter 3 - Battlemaster
- Student of War: We can choose Woodcarver's Tools to be able to Craft Arrows.
- Maneuvers:
- Trip Attack - We see the character knock two enemies prone.
- Riposte - After dodging their attack we can strike back.
- Precision Attack - Helping us hit our attacks.
Level 4: Fighter 4
- ASI: +2 DEX
Level 5: Fighter 5
- Extra Attack
Level 6: Fighter 6
- ASI: +2 DEX
We rushed to 6th-Level in Fighter for the Extra Attack and the Extra ASI, allowing us to get our Dexterity to 20. We have great versatility with our attack but there is a very strong roguish aspect to this character so we will take a detour.
Level 7: Rogue 1
- Skill: Acrobatics
- Expertise: Stealth and Athletics - for ambushing and knocking enemies down as well as climbing the rooftops.
- Sneak Attack
Lebel 8: Rogue 2
- Cunning Action - This will help a lot with Disengaging enemies or Dashing across the battlefield.
Level 9: Rogue 3 - Thief
- Fast Hands - We can be a true Urban Skirmisher and throw Caltrops or Ball Bearings at our enemies or even use Oil or Acid. This provides another level of versatility.
- Second-Story Work - We can see the character being at home among the architecture of the city, jumping from the top of building, running on the rooftops, jumping from building to building. This feature allows us to climb faster than normal and climb with no effort.
Level 10: Rogue 4
- Feat: Mobile - This compliments very well with the increase in mobility we got from our previous level, making us even faster and better at evading enemy attacks after we attack them and move away.
The scene shows the character fighting an overwhelming number of enemies. We could use something to help us whittle their numbers down.
Level 11: Ranger 1
- Favored Foe - This is the most versatile option but we do have the choice of picking Favored Enemy: Humans instead if we assume the character is only going to be fighting humanoids as shown in the clip.
- Deft Explorer: Canny: Acrobatics Expertise - Making us even more acrobatic. We could pick Natural Explorer and choose the city as our favored terrain.
Level 12: Ranger 2
- Archery Fighting Style - Since the character is seen mainly using a bow, this will greatly increase our chance to hit but we could also choose Two-Weapon Fighting as we see him dual wielding daggers at the end.
Level 13: Ranger 3 - Hunter
- Horde Breaker - This will help us overcome the great number of enemies we're fighting.
Level 14: Ranger 4
- Feat: Alert - Going first in initiative is great when you're outnumbered.
Now that we have versatility and mobility we can go back to fighter to be able to deal with an even greater number of enemies by getting an extra attack.
Level 15: Fighter 7
- Maneuvers:
- Ambush - I rarely see this used but in this scenario I think it fith great.
- Disarming Attack
Level 16: Fighter 8
- ASI: +2 STR - Our Unarmed Strikes will get better but we can also increase our Constitution to be able to take more hits.
Level 17: Fighter 9
- Indomitable
Level 18: Fighter 10
- Maneuvers:
- Evasive Footwork
- Pushing Attack
Level 19: Fighter 11
- Extra Attack (2) - Now we can make 3 regular attacks, an extra one if we are swarmed using Horde Breaker and even weaponize our Bonus Action if we need with Fast Hands.
Level 20: Fighter 12
- ASI: +2 STR
- Studded Leather Armor
- Longbow
- Two Daggers
We have plenty of versatility in our attacks being able to use unarmed strikes, a bow and daggers. We have great mobility, great initiative and we are very hard to pin down.
I hope you liked it :)
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Okay, we're looking at a character who's good at throwing hands, using a bow, using daggers, falling off things with grace, and firing arrows at close range.
Ability Scores (Point Buy):
â˘Str- 10
â˘Dex- 15
â˘Con- 11
â˘Int- 10
â˘Wis- 15
â˘Cha- 10
Ancestry: Variant Human
â˘Gunner Feat- This allows us to round up our Dex to 16 and ignore the penalty to ranged weapon attacks made at close range.
â˘Con & Wis Bonus- This allows us to round up our Con to 12 and our Wis to 16 for even scores & higher modifiers.
â˘Skill Proficiency- Acrobatics
Starting Class: Rogue 1
â˘Skill Proficiencies- Athletics, Insight, Investigation, and Perception
â˘Expertise- Acrobatics & Athletics
â˘Sneak Attack- We'll be able to use this with both longbows and daggers to great effect soon.
â˘Thieve's Cant- This is nice utility.
Multiclass 1: Monk 16 (Kensei)
â˘Unarmored Defense- To me this guy does not look like he's wearing any armor except possibly Leather under some baggy clothes, so this'll help be accurate to that and give us an AC of 16 for the time being.
â˘Martial Arts- This will give us a good way to use our bonus action when we use a monk weapon as an action. Currently that's our daggers that we've been duel-wielding, but soon it'll include more than that.
â˘Ki- This guy seems to be able to move around with ease and make a ton of attacks, so all of these options are in character.
â˘Unarmored Movement- Speed is always nice even if this build isn't focusing on it.
â˘Path of the Kensei- This is where things really come together. We make our daggers and longbow our kensei weapons, allowing us to swap between daggers, punches, and bow attacks on a whim.
â˘Deflect Missiles- We can both deal and take ranged weapon damage by using a bow and deflecting arrows, making us good at melee and ranged combat.
â˘ASIs- We'll be using the Lvl 4 & 8 Monk ASIs to boost Dex to 20 and th Lvl 12 & 16 ones to boost Wis to 20.
â˘Slow Falling- While it was done cinematically moreso than to actually represent what was really happening, this was explicitly shown in the clip. It'll help our maneuverability as we swap between ranged and melee as well.
â˘Extra Attack- This is an immediate buff to our damage and lets us use a wider variety of attacks each turn if we're smart about our features. This is also the level I'd swap over to Fighter for 3 levels before swapping back to Monk the rest of the way. I'm keeping the monk features together for the sake of organization though.
â˘Stunning Strike- This is a great way to lock down enemies with lower Constitution to limit the number of enemies on the battlefield who can hurt us and our allies. I do not recommend using this on a boss, but rather zooming towards ranged attackers with our monk mobility and stun-locking them to limit incoming damage to our party.
â˘One With the Blade- This makes our kensei weapon attacks be considered magical and lets us do a little more damage each turn on 1 attack (I'd recomend waiting for crits like with Sneak Attack to try to get one really big attack off).
â˘Ki-Empowered Strikes- Our Unarmed Strikes are also now considered magical.
â˘Evasion- This guy is very nimble, so Evasion and Expertise in Acrobatics both seem very fitting for him in my eyes.
â˘Purity of Body- Immunity to Poison & Disease is always nice.
â˘Sharpen the Blade- This is a nice way to make one of your weapons more reliable for a combat, but be careful about your ki points.
â˘Tongue of the Sun & Moon- High level monk features don't super fit this guy which is part of why we have been multiclassing, but speaking all languages is always nice.
â˘Diamond Soul- Proficiency in every Save (including Death Saves) is a great thing to have.
â˘Timeless Body- This is mostly flavor but we no longer need food or water which helps in arid areas like where this seems to take place.
Multiclass 2: Fighter 3 (Samurai)
â˘Fighting Style- Two Weapon Fighting
â˘Second Wind- Some nice occassional healing
â˘Action Surge- This will be very helpful for the flurries of many different kinds of attacks we're doing.
â˘Bonus Proficiency- He seems smart; let's take History.
â˘Fighting Spirit- As a bonus action we can gain some temporary hitpoints as well as grant ourselves advantage on all attacks we make in a round. This pairs well with Action Surge and Sneak Attack as we get to do a ton of attacks at advantage and deal a bit of extra damage on one of them (I'd wait until the last couple to try to see if I crit on an attack).
What this build allows us to do is be a whirlwind of daggers, arrows, and fists. We are mobile with a 55 foot move speed and the ability to double dash with action surge and step of the wind, we are defensive with a 20 AC that we can make 22 a lot of the time with Agile Parry from Path of the Kensei and have a +12 or higher to every Saving Throw including Death Saves, we are able to make a ludicrous number of attacks with Action Surge and Flurry of Blows mixing bow, dagger, and unarmed strike attacks, and we can occasionally have some really nice crits on our longbow or dagger attacks with sneak attack and deft strike.
We are able to do a lot of things very well, but what we struggle with is being consistent throughout a whole adventuring day because - like all monks - we burn through ki like crazy.
Fortunately for us, you can make up to 6 attacks a turn and some of those can deal up to 2d10 +1d6 +5 Piercing Damage on a hit with Advantage for a high chance to crit and deal 4d10 +2d6 +5 Piercing Damage. You are not the guy in the party who goes and takes down the big boss; you are the guy who deals with the 50 minions, picking them off one by one and dealing a lot of damage to the important ones first. A fast archer, nobody can touch you if your're smart about positioning. You can also zoom in, mess up a bunch of enemies in one turn, and zoom out of combat. You are helpful anywhere you are on the battlefield and you can adapt to many different kinds of combat encounters depending on whether melee, range, or both is what's needed.
Now something that we can do that this character is not shown doing is using the gunner feat to make a gun our kensei weapon. Holding a dagger in one hand, a pistol in another, and kicking for unarmed strikes will allow you to reach a new level of flurrying combos of different types of attacks to hit enemies all levels of range with ease.
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V.Human or custom lineage for Gunner right away. Battle Master fighter 5, for the multi attack to begin with.ASI on 4 can be bumping dex, or to pick tavern brawler. Then, 3 levels of Hunter Ranger, with Horde Breaker for those multiple enemies around you, or Colossus Slayer for more consistent damage. 3 levels of Thief Rogue, for the climbing and extra jump distance. Fast Hands is good for swapping your weapons if you want. Then, from now on, there are some options. Either keep going on fighter or ranger. Fighter gives you more attacks per turn, ranger gives you spells and volley at level 11.
If you want to be spicy, your combat styles should be archery and Unarmed Fighting, for those melee attacks with the bow.
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Level 1: Be a Variant Human. Take the Tavern Brawler feat for proficiency with improvised weapons. Maximise Dexterity and Wisdom. Go monk for Unarmored Defense and Martial Arts. Get a shortbow and two daggers.
Level 2: Take another level of monk. Use the Dedicated Weapons optional feature to turn the shortbow into a monk weapon (it is a simple weapon, you are proficient with it even when using it for a melee attack thanks to Tavern Brawler, and it lacks the heavy and special property, so this should work). Now the attack dice you use scales with your martial arts dice. You also get Unarmored Movement.
Level 3: Take another level of monk and become a Kensei. Make your shortbow a Kensei weapon. Now you can use Agile Parry when holding it (+2 AC ater having made an unarmed attack) and add damage to its ranged attacks using Agile Shot.
Level 4: Take another level in monk and get the Gunner feat to remove disadvantage from attacks made while 5 feet from an enemy and increase your Dexterity by 1. You also get the Slow Fall feature.
Level 5 & 6: More monk gives Extra Attack, Stunning Strike, Focused Aim, Ki-empowered Strikes (magical punches) and One with the Blade (magical weapon attack and extra damage in exchange for ki).
Level 7 - 9: Take three levels of Hunter ranger for 1) the Archery fighting style (this gives a +2 bonus to attack rolls with ranged weapons, which the shortbow is, not ranged attacks with ranged weapons), 2) Hunter's Mark, Zephyr Strike and Jump, and 3) Slayers Prey into Horde Breaker, giving you another attack against creatures withing 5 feet of a creature you just attacked once per turn.
Level 10 - 12: Take three levels of Samurai fighter. Take the Superior Technique fighting style and take Trip Attack. You get Second Wind, Action Surge, and Fighting Spirit, which gives all your attacks advantage for a bonus action for your turn three times a long rest.
Level 13 - 20: Go back to monk for the rest of the way. This gives you Evasion, Stillness of Mind, two Ability Score Improvements, more movement, Purity of Body, Sharpen the Blade (bonus to attack and damage rolls on a weapon for ki points - includes weapons being used as improvised weapons), Tongue of the Sun and Moon and Diamond Soul.
Of note is that you have several uses of your bonus action: A bonus action unarmed attack, Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense and Step of the Wind, Hunters Mark, Zephyr Strike, and Fighting Spirit, which means that you won't be able to do a mega-combo, but you will be able to set up good combos depending on the situation you're in, since you also have more attacks even without one or two bonus action attacks, so the spells and Fighting Spirit are still extra useful.
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Race: Half elf
Background: Soldier
start with 6 levels in Battlemaster fighter
Fighting style: archery
Maneuvers: ambush, trip attack, riposte
Feats: Elven accuracy, Sharpshooter
Then start taking levels into Rogue, taking the Scout subclass at 3rd level.
After your 7th Rogue level, continue with fighter levels, prioritizing Dexterity for your ASI
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Tavern Brawler first and foremost is either a character creation Feat (Background or Racial), or a level 4 pick, but I'm leaning towards Creation.
They make use of the bow, but also their fists, before drawing their melee weapons, and Tavern Brawler covers both of these bases. From there, they're a Hunter Ranger of 5th level, and I would say they took Horde Breaker at level 3.
They make use of a Shortbow (recurve bow in this case), and the Dual Wielder feat, as they draw their daggers and immediately make 'two attacks' with them by double drawing them across the enemy's throat. Two Weapon Fighting Style, opening the fight with Zephyr Strike (for the Slow-Mo ofc).
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Well, the easy part is that theyâre variant human/custom lineage with the the gunner feat (the +1 dex is more important to us than bonus action attacking with a crossbow).
The big question is: âcan a Kensei with Tavern Brawler make improvised weapons their melee weapon of choice?â Because if so thatâs going to affect how we go about the build.
If they canât, then the first handful of levels are Kensei monk and those melee bow moments are just reflavored unarmed strikes, followed by a lot of Ranger for ways to up the bow damage even more.
If Tavern Brawler Monks can use improvised weapons as Kensei weapons, then the first four levels are actually going to be as Scout Rogue to make that start of the clip âget away from somebody nearbyâ out of Skirmisher, get Steady Aim to make our admittedly meager sneak attack more reliable, and pick up Tavern Brawler. Then Kensei monk, and round off the end of the build with ranger to get more ways to up Bow damage.
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Whenever I see builds like this I either go rogue or artifer battlesmith. If you have a high dexterity you can use finesse weapons as well ranged weapons at about the same skill level. I would say that the rogue would need a dip and fighter to make the archery a little better since they don't get the infusions. But this character is honestly quite easy to build. A rogue battle master would work for this quite well. You're able to trip up people get sneak attack and do other maneuvers to get your rogue stuff done better.
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In one of the previous campaigns I played in I was a Wood Elf Druid/Ranger and my DM let me use a custom weapon: a bow-staff inspired by Kung Jin from MKX. It had all the traits of both a longbow and a staff, with the exception of the versatile property (it could only be used two-handed). It dealt 1d8 bludgeoning damage in melee and 1d8 piercing ranged. Pretty easy and cool to implement đš
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Real quick if my wording sounds off I have autism and ADHD so I can ramble. Iâm also I would consider still newer to dnd only having played it for a little over a year. I hope you enjoy the build.
Ok so how I would do this is a variant human . Pick the feat gunner feat for +1 in dex and no disadvantage at close range. I would pick to have proficiency in perception. And put the 2 +1s to dexterity and wisdom.
With point buy in mind though isnât necessarily is strength at a 12 (isnât fully necessary but I see this character being good at jumping either into or out of combat) 16 dexterity 14 for con 12 for intelligence. 14 in wisdom and an 8 in charisma(we donât need it for anything.)
The background is makerâs choice though I pick criminal.
The starting class is ranger for the natural explorer for the desert. (Not super important but hey it feels flavorful with the clip)
2nd level ranger 2 archery fighting style and really any spells work though I would go for fog cloud as one of them.
3rd level ranger 3 gloom stocker for the starting round extra attack and I feel that gloom stocker fits the vibes of the character.
4th level ranger 4 another feat time we are going for sharp shooter. Now this archer can fight up close though isnât harmed by ranged.
Level 5 ranger 5 extra attack and second level spells. Again itâs dealerâs choice though pass without trace stands out.
Level 6 ranger 6 doesnât do much for us
Level 7 ranger 7 we gain proficiency in wisdom saving throws this will help with abilities or spells that try to hold you back or cripples you. (Hold person, dragon fear, etc)
Level 8 ranger 8 ability score improvement. Take +2 to dex so we have an 18.
Level 9 ranger 8 rogue 1 for getting that sneak attack and now that we have sharpshooter and gunner that eliminates a good bit of what will cause us disadvantage on attacks. (Sadly not everything) also take experience in stealth and perception (if you have proficiency in them)
Lever 10 ranger 8 rogue 2 cunning action just to be a little more slippery.
Level 11 ranger 8 rogue 3 Assassin subclass. It was between this and thief which I know you like though but I canât think of how this character will make that work though this could be changed. Assassin helps you further take down the enemies which will be assisted by pass without trace.
Level 12 ranger 8 rogue 4 ability score improvement 2+ dex
Level 13 ranger 8 rogue 5 uncanny Dodge
Level 14 ranger 8 rogue 6 more experienceâs dealerâs choice I went with acrobatic and insight
Level 15 ranger 8 rogue 7 evasion. I wish we had this sooner but itâs still great to have.
Level 16 ranger 8 rogue 8 another feat. Taking alert higher initiative more potential targets to have advantage on by going after you.
Level 17 ranger 8 rogue 9 Infiltration Expertise is ok and could be good for infiltration though I havenât had a chance to use it.
Level 18 ranger 8 rogue 10 ability score improvement wisdom +2
Level 19 ranger 8 rogue 11 reliable talent. The lowest you could get on a stealth check 37. 10 + 17 (your experience stealth.) and +another 10 with pass without trace.
Level 20 ranger 8 rogue 12 last ability score improvement. +2 to wisdom.
This is a simple ranger rogue build that can easily go faster then most enemies. Has a nice amount of burst damage from the 3 attacks at advantage turn 1 that can be sharp shooter. And a solid 6d6 sneak attack. Over all if all attacks hit on a surprised enemy have 30 + 6d8 + 15 + 2 d8 + 12d6. Or with enemies without surprised 30 + 3d8 +15+1d8 +6d6. This is assuming you donât have a magic bow and using a longbow. I hope you have enjoyed the build.
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Name: Samir al-Jafri
Race: Harengon
(cover your head and face with turban)
Background: Folk Hero
Class: Fighter, Battlemaster 4/Ranger, Hunter 8/Rogue, Assassin 8
Stats (point buy)
DEX 15 (+2racial)
CON 15 (+1racial)
INT 10
WIS 14
Lv1 Rogue 1 (*acrobatics*, athletics, sleight of hand, *stealth*)
2 Rogue 2
3 Rogue 3 (Assassin)
4 Rogue 4 (feat- sharpshooter)
5 Ranger 1 (insight, Archery style, desert terrain)
6 Ranger 2
7 Ranger 3 (Hunter, Hordebreaker)
8 Ranger 4 (feat- dual wielder)
9 Ranger 5
10 Fighter 1
11 Fighter 2 (Two-Weapon Style)
12 Fighter 3 (Battlemaster, Ambush, Sweeping Attack, Trip Attack)
13 Fighter 4 (ASI- Dex, Dex)
14 Ranger 6 (mountain terrain)
15 Ranger 7 (escape the horde)
16 Ranger 8 (feat- resilient)
17 Rogue 5
18 Rogue 6
19 Rogue 7
20 Rogue 8 (ASI- Con, Dex)
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Ancestral Guardian Barbarian/ Swords Bard with Grappler and Crossbow expert feats. The character appears to draw the attacks away from the NPC on the ground, and even though he doesnât have a shield, he appears incredibly difficult to hit: a product of his flourishes. Finally, he is more than capable of quickly dispensing his bow and holding his enemies in place, expert in athletics from his bounding around terrain as well
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11 months ago
Variant human with Tavern Brawler Feat. Start as a Kensai Monk, then add Gloom Stalker Ranger (archery Fighting Style) and then add Battle Master Fighter (two weapon fighting fighting style) with trip attack, parry and ambush maneuvers
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