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Why you never have enough time 🕒
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727 Views • Jul 2, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
One thing I took away from Oliver Burkeman's book 'Four Thousand Weeks' is that you will never have enough time.

We chase a future that will never arrive.

If only I have more money, more time, better health, I would be able to be or do the thing.

However, that moment will never come.

The reason is what Burkeman calls The Efficiency Trap.

The demands on your time will increase to offset any benefits. Far from getting things done, you'll be creating new things to do.

Many of us feel busier than ever.

That's because life accelerates and we just adapt.

Another way of looking at it is that time is like an unstoppable conveyor belt.

Bringing us new tasks as soon and fast as we can dispatch the old ones.

If you become more productive, more efficient, the belt just seems to speed up.

I never thought of it that way before I read 'Four Thousand Weeks,' but I know this to be true in my own life.

No matter how efficiently I work, I never have enough time to do everything I want to.


Why You Never Have Enough Time ('Four Thousand Weeks' Review):    • Why You Never Have Enough Time ('Four...  
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Views : 727
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 2, 2023 ^^

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2023-07-04T20:42:15.770563Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

Be present (telling myself)😌

2 |


1 year ago

that was a good one, thanks!



1 year ago

Even worse if you are married.


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