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Views : 571
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jul 9, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2023-07-10T05:03:23.119921Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I didn't want this to blow up but here it goes
Wheb I was around 11 I remember I was friends with this Guy named Cayleb and He was my best friend in middle school. One day I wanted to chat with him and he. Was really rude to me and he threw me on the ground. Unfortunately no adults saw this and everybody ran away so I wanted to just cry but he would break me up into pieces if I ever were to react weakly to him. Another time I wanted to apologize but instead of forgiving me he. Yelled out something super embarrassing and I tried to defend myself but I was not strong enough. I still hate him to thia day and I'm not ready to go back.
1 year ago
I’m really sorry you had to endure trauma, I have too and if you need to vent anything (I can only do it here if you want to do it) I’m here <3