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19,831 Views • Dec 11, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
The project did not finish by posting the video. What happened since then:
Removed eco board, so the machine can be controlled by smart socket
Organized the wires, so it is not so messy
Moved electronics enclosure from top of the boiler behind the funnel to the back. Much less hot in there.
Integrated to Home Assistant.
Automations to remind me when mchine is warm and ready to make delicious coffee. And to turn it off if I forget.
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 19,831
Genre: Science & Technology
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 11, 2022 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.922 (4/201 LTDR)

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User score: 97.08- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2024-12-17T19:08:04.043705Z
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Nyo connections found on the description ;_; report an issue lol


Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

The only thing holding me back form gaggiuino is that it's in a format that's not yet compatible with home assistant. I've implemented a couple things myself using esphome (PID, power, etc.), but gaggiuino is far more advanced and I'm kind of stuck in the programming ignaorance 😅

3 |


10 months ago

I think the people behind gagguino are working on a new screen lvgl using esp32 chip. Not sure how open it will be for integrating to homeassistant but I would guess using webhooks some automations can be done later or even some person with good programming knowledge can write an integration. I see a bright light at the end of the tunnel 🙂 I am currently waiting for my gaggiuino modules to arrive and start making the mod to my recently bought used gaggia classic. Just finished with rebuilding it, cleaned and replaced all gaskets



1 year ago

@bruxy70 What do you mean by "eco board"? Also, have you profiled current draw on startup such that the smart plug turning on does not lead to sparking on the relay contacts or is it a SSR based plug?



1 year ago

what plug ur using


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