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88,878 Views ā€¢ Jan 5, 2023 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
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Views : 88,878
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 5, 2023 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

Naoki likes kotoko more than kotoko likes him, he just don't realized

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1 year ago

your comments are enligtening for me bc i never actually saw it like that lol. i've loved this series in its many iterations, the taiwanese and this particular japanese versions most of all. Sigh now i kinda wanna watch it again and watch out for all the microexpressions hehehešŸ˜‚

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5 months ago

I love this. It really helps me visualize how much he actually likes her/cares for her!

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4 months ago

I need a new jdrama like this bc I've rewatched itakiss an unhealthy number of times šŸ˜¢

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3 months ago

imagine socializing with Kotoko whole day!!!
I can't even imagine.. and I am an extrovert.

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5 months ago

I sometimes get annoyed of Kotoko whenever she does something awkward and cringe..but she amazed me, also gave me confidence so thanks to Kotoko I guess Iā€™ll find someone in my senior year (next year) or in collegeā¤ 恂悊恌ćØ KotokošŸ˜Š

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6 months ago

I feel like naoki in the rain with wet hair is really handsome then usualšŸ˜Š

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1 year ago

You should also add the fact that he likes touching her for whatever reason, ex: bread crumbs on her hair/clothes/ cheeks šŸ˜‚

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8 months ago

Tbh it's energy draining for introverts and Also we really don't care about people much....or situation which requires us to socialise... more probably unless it's necessary, if it's in our control we try to avoid it as much as we can. Here it was still naoki's choice at the end... but he still chose to teach kotoko and appear for match.
Tbh if I keep myself in nakoi's place, I would have wanted to spend time more alone then spending even the evening to teach someone after all that morning, afternoon interaction with people... šŸ˜….

This do shows he really enjoys her company.... and feel ntg like getting his energy drained xd, which is surely rare for any introvert to experience like that with someone

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1 month ago

As an introvert myself, I hate using my voice more than using my hands because calling out to someone can alert other unrelated people nearby. So no, I dont need all that attention on me

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1 month ago

well there is a whole spectrum of introversion. and besides itā€™s about being around several people, socializing, talking with them.
and there he interacts only with Kotoko, they are not talking much, he just trains her and stuff.

i donā€™t know why you think he is introvert anyway, but if itā€™s so, there is not much problem, since being just introverted doesnā€™t mean you are neurodivergent.

i think that Naoki is just self conscious boy because of his mother who wants a girl.
also he is ā€˜geniusā€™ so thatā€™s why he is isolated from others, not feeling belonged to them.
he needs constant attention and affirmation, that he is a good boy, otherwise he would act different way. he is smart enough to know that he can easily get attention and he does it intentionally.

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3 weeks ago

I've been wondering how my husband who is an introvert wasn't exhausted being with me since he's so easily irritated being around other people

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1 year ago

Linda eu amo kotoko

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4 weeks ago

I really hate naoki, such stupid character shouldn't exist, i really wish kotoko divorce him


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