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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780–850) – Developed astronomical tables, also known for algebra.
Al-Farghani (d. c. 860) – Known for works on astronomy and trigonometry.
Al-Khwarizmi (c. 780–850) – Often called the “father of algebra”; introduced the decimal positional number system to the Western world.
Al-Kindi (c. 801–873) – Worked on cryptography, algebra, and philosophy.
Al-Kindi (c. 801–873) – Made contributions to optics, theory of light, and perception.
Ibn Sahl (c. 940–1000) – Developed early forms of optical theories, including refraction.
Jabir ibn Hayyan (Geber) (c. 721–815) – Known as the "father of chemistry"; introduced experimental methods.
Al-Razi (Rhazes) (c. 865–925) – Made advancements in laboratory techniques, distilled
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Your curiosity can lead to destruction because life is limited. You're here for a short time. Your curiosity is not enough to know everything. There's unlimited amount of knowledge. Even if you're immortal, you still can't know everything. There are some things that simply cannot be known. The sooner you surrender yourself to Allah the better. There's no God but Allah.
In Islam, we believe that everything happens by the will of Allah. Even if a leaf falls from a tree, it's only because Allah wills it. End of story. No need to overthink. Too much curiosity is unhealthy. We know that Allah only wills good things. We trust in him no matter what happens. In the end he will grant us paradise. That's all that matters
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Yes we say everything is being done is by the will of Allah but Allah also mentioned in the holy book Quran
"Good people are those who put attention in everything including earth and sky"
Means Allah want his creation(human) to explore the nature. Allah never said to let everything upon me and do not put effort in anything.
So please before spreading and making misconception, make sure to clear urself. In order to understand Islam you have to go deeper and deeper.
Just picking up any topic or sentence from Quran or any prophets saying without going deeper and understanding it's root Don't spread rubbish like that.
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When we know this world and all existence is created.. this is what our foundation of knowledge starts:
Creation of the universe
The Quran states that Allah created the universe in six days.
The Quran also states that the heavens and earth were once joined together, but Allah separated them.
The Quran states that Allah created the universe according to natural laws.
Creation of the sun, moon, and planets
The Quran states that Allah created the sun, moon, and planets, each with their own orbit.
The Quran states that Allah made the sun and moon subservient to his command.
Expansion of the universe
The Quran states that Allah expanded the heavens with power.
The Quran also states that the universe is an ongoing phenomenon of wrapping up and unfolding.
Other verses about space and creation
The Quran states that Allah created the earth as a resting place and the sky as a canopy.
This is a drop of the ocean we know as The Quran!!! Allah hu Akbar
Just to mention algazali in islam considered a hypocrite
And connecting everything to the will of Allah doesn't delete causation in our religion or that you have a will of your own
But whatever you do is after Allah created it and allowed it in his universe with a complete knowledge and wisdom of his that we cannot comprehend
4 months ago
Tyson clearly never read Ghazali
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