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How are they hiking so effortlessly at this altitude? 🤯👇 important tips below
 60 FPS video
9,961 Views • Dec 10, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
👇Save these MUST-KNOW tips to help you complete this trek too!

1. ADD EXTRA DAYS to your itinerary in case of likely delays due to weather in Lukla Airport. Your hike will begin from the famed “most dangerous airport in the world”, and weather can cause significant delays to your plan. It’s normal for people to be delayed for multiple days, so take this into account and add extra days to your plan as a buffer.

2. BUY GEAR THAT YOU DON'T HAVE in the capital city of Kathmandu instead of on the trail, it’s much cheaper here!

3. AVOID EATING MEAT on the trek! Slaughter of animals is forbidden while on the trail for religious reasons, so any meat that you can eat during the hike is likely not very fresh due to being transported up by livestock. You will notice that locals never order any meat dishes as well.

4. HOT WATER IS LIMITED on this hike, what I and most others do is use sanitary napkins/wet wipes to clean ourselves overnight instead of taking cold showers in an already freezing room.

5. TRAIN YOUR CARDIO and use stair machines (or just use real stairs/upwards hikes) to help prepare for hiking on this trek, you do not need to be Superman to complete this trek, but improving your cardio and getting used to hiking will only make the experience more enjoyable for you!

6. ALTITUDE SICKNESS IS THE MAIN ENEMY, limit yourself to about 600 meters of elevation gain each day, and spend one or two nights acclimatizing by sleeping at the same village that you arrived at the day before. Stay hydrated as much as possible too, as that helps to keep the altitude sickness away. The main cause for people not completing this trek is altitude sickness, not their fitness level.

I made a video covering all the things you will need to know, including these tips in more detail on my Youtube channel!

Save this post if this information was helpful, and follow/subscribe for more travel tips and content!

#travel #hiking #nepal #everestbasecamp
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Views : 9,961
Genre: Travel & Events
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 10, 2024 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 month ago

They were born there and live at those altitudes their whole life

4 |


1 month ago

Yes and they poses a unique DNA marker which helps assimilate oxygen better!

2 |


1 month ago

I live in NM where the altitude at my house is 6,600 feet, but when I go to the top of the Sandia Mt. at over 9,000 it is a srain to breathe.



1 month ago

Bodies are acclimated to those altitudes


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