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🇪🇸 Spain's Prime Minister Calls a Snap Election
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61,661 Views • May 30, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 61,661
Genre: People & Blogs
Date of upload: May 30, 2023 ^^

Rating : 4.928 (50/2,720 LTDR)

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RYD date created : 2024-02-10T17:53:04.896418Z
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YouTube Comments - 314 Comments

Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

Pretty funny that the party VOX has the opposite political affiliation as the news site Vox

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1 year ago

No one expects the Spanish snap elections !

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1 year ago

I can't with the last clip 😂, if they lose they should put that clip in Spanish media, my family would not expect it.

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1 year ago

As a spaniard, seeing my county's politics in this channel is a mix of emotions really hahaha

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1 year ago

He is probably just hoping that Podemos(leftist party) and Más madrid (leftist too) dont have time to organize and all votes go to the PSOE

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1 year ago

Pedro Sánchez: we just lost an election let’s just have another one because if we don’t we might lose

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1 year ago

Please make a full video on the elections

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1 year ago

I hope TLDR EU were preparing a video for july, because, whatever will be the result, it will be an earthquake! And also, they'll have time to practice all the Spanish names haha

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11 months ago

so the funniest thing just happened...

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1 year ago

why does this remind me of David Cameron's gamble

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1 year ago

This going backfire

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1 year ago

Hahaha I would rather said Sanchez is trying to kill Podemos, not joining forces with them.

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1 year ago

As a Spaniard.... Dramatic scenes is a bot of an overstatement

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1 year ago

So uh Pedro, you want my help to bring peace, freedom, justice and security to the Spanish Empire?

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1 year ago

Not a big deal, but I'd like to point out that Sánchez's title is technically "President of the Government", not "Prime Minister".

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1 year ago

I am a bit annoyed with the hypocrisy shown by some of the comments in this section, and for the benefit of any Non-Spanish people interested in the forthcoming elections I will clarify:
Spain has a centre left party called PSOE, and a centre right party called PP.
ANY PARTY left of PSOE is far left, and ANY PARTY right of PP is far right.
Sumar is a far left party with Communist and Marxist subgroups (this can be checked in their own web or Wikipedia for the more adventurous).
Vox is a far right party with a strong traditionalist and reactionary cut to their main policy lines.
Also, I will add that far right parties is something relatively modern, entering Parliament for the first time in 2019. With the exception of Izquierda Unida (Communist party now within Unidas Podemos), the far left parties did not enter Parliament until 2015.
I hope this clarifies the Spanish political spectrum and ends biased comments of who is far right or far left.

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1 year ago

Please! Could you make a full video on the parties to have a better idea of what they represent and why PSOE is being overthrown after so long?

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1 year ago

Praying for the day when Spain returns to its proper Catholic roots.

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1 year ago

Seeing these comments I understand why TLDR rarely does videos about Spain. People has no idea about Spanish politics, and this comes from a 3rd year Political Science student in Spain:

-Podemos and Sumar ARE far-left as the video suggest, they constantly want to intervene the market, have American-like far-left social discourse, are openly populist on their manners, have ties (either directly or indirectly) to Venezuela and Cuba, and have been the most pro-Russian party in Spain. Some still defend communism to this day.

-People's Party is NOT "right", but center-right, but this depends on the national leadership: when Casado was leading the PP a few years ago they turned right to compete with Vox, but with Feijoo they turned back to center-right in a similar vein to Rajoy's PP (which barely touched PSOE's social policies and only took NEEDED (whether you like them or not) economic meassures against the economic crisis).

-Vox IS far-right but NOT fascist. Calling "fascist" everything you disagree with or anything further right than your prefered left-leaning party is outright dumb. Even in European terms, they are more like Meloni (or even slightly more moderate) than like Le Pen, Orban or Salvini.

-PSOE is tipically center-left, but under Sanchez it has turned LEFT. In fact he has been recently falling into conspiracy theories about "mainstream media being against them" (which is false as many media in Spain is clearly left-leaning (like El País, LaSexta, etc)), calling everyone right of him "far right", many populist electoral promises specifically timed for the elections and that either are debunked within days or nobody believes he will do, constantly tries to whitewash his pacts with secesionist parties (some of which (Bildu) have ties to terrorism), etc. He has lied constantly and recently has turned populist, no matter how you look at him, and this explains how the far-left nearly went extinct (as he stole their voters by overlapping with them) but he lost center and even center-left voters (like my mother, who historically voted either PSOE or far-left partirs like IU) to PP. Spanish voters haven't been "lied to by the media about the economy", they have a bigger reason to vote him out: his lies, his pacts, his government (in which particularly Podemos did a dogshit job while PSOE said nothing) and turning away from the center.

Europe is turning right and he has made all effort to make sure he loses the next elections by alienating the average voter while also angering everyone else that wasn't mad at him already about the timing of the elections. And nothing will change, regardless of what happens to the far-left, because he has entered a rethoric about "the far-right" that didn't work in the past and will work even less now.

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1 year ago

Let me say this, wether you like him or not, there's a thing we can all say about P. Sánchez: he knows how to survive. The way he ended up as president is a prove of that. He's very clever when it comes to that matters. Let's see.

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