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Views : 1,065
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 19, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-09-20T21:37:24.352487Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I hate the in person retro market so much. I remember going to the flea market in Dundalk MD and it was a paradise as a kid. I could get all the retro games I wanted back in 2008 at like 5 bucks a game like Castlevania 3. We got a massive Atari 2600 bundle for 80 bucks that included some 20 games, controllers, and cables to hook it all up. That same flea market has been overtaken by a god awful retro games area where they sell terrible 3rd party games for like 35 dollars a pop. Not even complete in box or anything. They would sell Bubsy 3D for 50 dollars. I remembered seeing Mortal Kombat for SNES there at about 50 dollars too and was just shocked. The same place that I had gone to and picked up UMK3 and MK2 for about 11 dollars is now a scalpers paradise.
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4 months ago
Thrift stores used to be for the unfortunate people who couldent afford luxury items or nice things that people donated it used to serve a purpose now it’s ridiculously priced
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