Normally I don't get, this big of, bucket, but we're doing three houses today, but usually get a one gallon bucket, and it's, Wet and dry all season roof patch. And it, once you get it on you? You can get it off. You can wear it off, but you can use any kind of oil product to get it off of your skin. I know that sounds silly, but it's made with oil. It will break down with oil.
WD 40, just regular motor oil, even. But any kind of spray oil, you put that on, you wipe it off and it'll let it transfer. Break it down so you can transfer it. And that's what we're going to do. We're going to open this up by cutting this tab on this big one. Normally it'd just be a little metal one gallon can for a one roof like this.
Even a bigger house, it would be just one gallon. Lifting up the edges on this one.
A lot of times in the winter. And once you use this, there'll be water on top. Now, why is there water? You frustrate you? The reason that happens is because there's an airspace here. And the temperature on the outside is different than the temperature inside. And that causes condensation. Now this is a handle, a spatula from Dollar Tree for like $1.50.
And I'm going to use it because it doesn't cost much. And then I throw it away. Anything else is because anywhere from $10 to more. And so what we're going to do is seal on this end right here. And then alongside the.
The gutter around that and show them where that gutter edge is. We're going to seal that up with tar. And then we're going to go over it with that small paint can and a brush and that white elastomeric coating. Notice 2x4. And whatever material we have on it for, for holding it. It's holding that bucket pretty level.
All right. And so here I go. Do I have to be pretty. No. But I don't want it to stand up it but doesn't have to be pretty. There's nothing pretty about this. Pretty good. Yeah. Yes. Pretty good. And being messy and,
This is the first of three we're going to do today.
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