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Views : 12,927
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 17, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Hell is knowing what you might have had if you had only lived by the Spirit and accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and had lived by His teachings and been baptized in His name by one having authority. Paul says there are three levels of Heaven and the lowest is the Telestial kingdom. ❤
Judas repented. As well he is literally the only disciple to publicly defend The Christ. As well stating that Christ was innocent of the charge that he was falsely claiming to be The Messiah. To be God. He proclaimed his innocence so obviously Judas believed. That he was indeed The Christ Judas was a Beliver. THE ONLY UNFORGIVABLE SIN IS UNBELIEF!! That was not the sin Judas committed!!! So Judas at the time proclaimed his belief in Christ God Our Savior yet Peter did not. He literally denied him just as Christ said he would. Peter nor any of the rest defended nor stuck up for Christ at anytime after his arrest. Nor during his inquest not until after he rose and presented himself to them. So Judas demonstrated more that he believed Christ to be God.
8 months ago
The only way to GOD is JESUS CHRIST,look hell is real,even of you don't want to believe it,and so is heaven,but,if you will just give JESUS a chance in your life,you will be saved, just try it
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