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Views : 8,463,982
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 22, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Postpartum care is very essential for mothers after birth ..where I live its very important for mothers to stay at a relative house mostly their mothers or sisters for 40 days because during this time mothers are prone to postpartum depression and they are fragile mentally and physically ..its a very good thing that the south Korean gvt is doing this 😍
3.8K |
Been a nanny is such a privilege. Looking after a baby is truly a compliment it shows the parents trust you with their most precious bundle of love. Its a huge responsibility and i loved my job. I then ran mother and toddler groups and worked in nurseries. Looking after children and teaching them is a wonderful career. So much joy watching each child grow, learn and start getting their independence. I loved working for my families. I was so sad when i left each job i missed them so much.
1 |
I too have a nanny here, she takes care of me and ny two babies.. i just love her dedication and selfless love which she passes to us.. Her aura is so positive and she never complains.. i am gonna relocate to a different city and i am so worried that i wont be able to find such a sweet nanny again.
9 |
1 year ago
This so called "NANNY" is like a SUPER WOMAN. Not only she genuinely did all this, but she also bonded on a soul level. I am impressed on how advanced some people are.
13K |