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I didn’t think he would make it this far! At the end you can tell hes a male #petoctopus #thereefdoc
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89,264 Views • Jan 9, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
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Views : 89,264
Genre: Pets & Animals
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jan 9, 2024 ^^

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User score: 98.71- Masterpiece Video

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

An octopus normally dies after laying eggs

124 |


1 year ago

That tiny ink jet was adorable...

70 |


1 year ago

I like how he did a lil ink squirt when he got back in the tank.

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1 year ago

Awe…. Glad you got him!!

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1 year ago

He's Beautiful 💜💜

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1 year ago

Great job. You have a very blessed talent

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9 months ago

Thank you for caring so much anout these octopi. Alot of pet stores and breeders for profit completely careless about the well-being of their "cargo product."
...I've found out first hand that even some some "shelters/sanctuaries" are nothing but fronts for illegal trade of animals (including exotic animals not native to the area). I brought an injured bird (European Starling) with a broken wing i found in the middle of the street after work to a "licensed wildlife bird sanctuary" just last month. I attempted bringing her to a couple places that wouldn't take her because she's they only took domesticated pet's, but they gave me some numbers to call for wildlife. They told me to wait until they called back.
...So I held on to her for a few hours. They literally said "don't feed her or give her water" which didn't make any sense. Especially with how weak she looked. So i left her the option for her self and set a little water and food next to her while trying to make her as comfortable as possible. She even started to get better after drinking some water, but she wouldn't eat anything.
...When they called back I took her there, which was all the way in the deep suburbs with no public transit, so I had to catch a ride. When I got there there was ton of exotic birds and owls I've never seen before, even tropical birds (this is Chicago we talking about). This woman was incredibly rude the entire time. I opened the big box I had her in with a nest i tried to put together for her made out of little twigs and soft leafson top of toilet paper. She immediately started going in on me saying "this is the little F×××ing bird you were talking about?!" Then started talking s××× for using a box and making what she called "a Ret×××ed nest" and said I should of "just put her in a paper bag."
... I was like "are you going to help her or not?" She reluctantly sighed and picked her up. She was testing her broken wing pulling it in and out (a little too rough if you ask me, but I'm not a veterinarian). She said yeah and then aggressively put her in a tiny cage. And then got my personal info with a little more detail on what neighborhood and cross streets i found her on in Chicago. I asked if she'll be ok snd she said yes. Honestly if I knew how to fix a broken wing, I would have fixed her up myself, but it is what it is.
... Next day I called to check on her and to offer bringing her back exactly where I found her. I got the answer machine of her landline and as I was leaving the message she picked up the phone and said "hey look she died of malnutrition this morning, and I wouldn't of let you bring her back to that S××× hole Chicago anyway, i woulda set her free in the forest." She even tried to say i was wrong about the broken wing! Which I know for a fact was a lie because I had her in my hands, lap and freely in my bathroom at my apartment (so my cat wouldn't hurt her) and she didn't flap her wing once. That was it, i finally snapped back before hanging up.
... I've stayed in the suburbs for a little while and didn't really recall seeing that type of bird much, and she was in the middle of bumble f×××, so i really doubted they resided anywhere near an area like that (just imagine a pigeon in the forest). So I googled it, and sure enough it said *"European Starlings ONLY reside in urban areas."
... I should have never brought her there. I should have researched how to vare for her myself. I could have used a needless syringe to feed her. She had already started to trust me and appeared to enjoy the soft strokes of my finger on her head when i tried to sooth her. Most of all I should of broke that B××××s jaw at the "sanctuary" that 9/10 is probably a front for the exotic bird market.
... I don't f××× with the police, but even if I did I would guarantee you that they wouldn't do s×××. My sister worked a pet store before. She said they used thick black contractor bags as garbage liners. If you've never worked construction, they are 20× thicker than your average garbage bag, they're meant to hold up to 80lbs of broken up drywall, concrete, and nailed studs (2×4s), and you can't tell what's in them with how black they are. She said that when she took out the garbage to the dumpster, sometimes the smell was horrendous, but she brushed it off as being dog s×××. Until one day she looked inside and saw a dead dog that looked starved. Obviously she quit after that and also reported it. Nothing happened though. Years and i mean years later we came to find out that the owner was finally arrested. They found over 30 dead dogs in the dumpster, and keep in mind that they had trash pick up twice a week.
... Humans are terrible, self-righteous, selfish creatures. We are the most evasive species in existence. And eiyth enough time and an ever growing population, we will alter and destroy what little beauty is left on this planet.

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1 year ago

Be well, lil guy❤️

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1 year ago

Such magnificent creature.

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1 year ago

Love how they swim

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8 months ago

this channel is so cute and wholesome 😊



1 year ago

What happened to the eggs? I remember you showed 1 hatched. Can we get an update please?

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8 months ago

Hero for saving these beautiful 🎉stunning creature'



1 year ago

Dumfux shouldn't be running a pet store😢😟

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1 year ago

Bro that’s so freaking cool.. a pet freakin octopus ! 🐙 😮

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1 year ago

He's so cute name him monte will ya he looks like a monte

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1 year ago

You are scaring it, which is why it inked

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8 months ago


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8 months ago

In nature they sorta communal animals dough with they birthings patches so beautiful but could see a glass jar and not endless territory could make things tense


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