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20 Views • Feb 22, 2025 • Click to toggle off description
Welcome back to my series: "When French Has More Than One Variant!" 🚀

In English, we use "hold" in many ways, but in French, you need the right word for each context! Here’s how to say "hold" correctly in French:

✅ Tenir → The standard verb for holding something
✔️ Je tiens mon sac. (I’m holding my bag.) 🎒

✅ Contenir → To hold liquid
✔️ Cette bouteille contient de l’eau. (This bottle holds water.) 💧

✅ Serrer dans ses bras → To hold someone (hug)
✔️ Il m’a serré dans ses bras. (He held me in his arms.) 🤗

✅ Patienter / Attendre / Être en attente → To hold on (on the phone)
✔️ Veuillez patienter, s’il vous plaît. (Please hold.) 📞

✅ Tenir / Résister / Rester en place → To hold steady, adhere, or resist
✔️ Cette colle tient bien. (This glue holds well.) 🏗️

✅ Prise → A hold or grasp
✔️ Il a une bonne prise sur la corde. (He has a good grip on the rope.) 🧗

✅ Avoir → To possess or hold onto something
✔️ J’ai toujours son livre. (I’m still holding onto his book.) 📖

✅ Garder → To keep or continue holding something for someone
✔️ Peux-tu garder mes affaires ? (Can you hold onto my things?) 🎒

One word in English, so many words in French! Want to sound more natural? Watch this short lesson! 🎥✨

Which version of "hold" surprised you the most? Let me know in the comments! ⬇️

#LearnFrench #FrenchVocabulary #HoldInFrench #FrenchVsEnglish #FrenchTips #TenirGarderAttendre
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Uploaded At Feb 22, 2025 ^^

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