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0 Views • Feb 22, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Islamic Waqiya Story | Islamic Knowledge| قوم لوط پر اللہ کے عذاب کا واقعہ |

In this Islamic waqiya story, you'll learn about the people of Lot and how their immoral behavior led to divine punishment.

Hazrat Lot was a chosen prophet of Allah and was assigned the role of guiding the people of Sodom. Sodom was surrounded by five extremely beautiful cities with abundant gardens and fertile fields. However, the people of Sodom were not welcoming to outsiders, especially those who sought their resources.

One day, the people of Sodom were discussing how to prevent outsiders from coming to their cities. Satan appeared in the guise of an elderly man and suggested that they treat outsiders harshly to deter them from coming. The people of Sodom adopted this suggestion and began to mistreat anyone who entered their cities.

Hazrat Lot, witnessing their immoral behavior, preached to them about the oneness of Allah and the need for repentance. However, his efforts had no effect on the people, who continued their sinful ways.

The people of Sodom eventually demanded a divine punishment, prompting Allah to send angels to Hazrat Lot. When the angels arrived, they were taken aback by the beauty of the young men who were Hazrat Lot's guests. The people of Sodom tried to harm them, but the angels blinded them.

Allah then sent a severe punishment upon the people of Sodom, destroying their cities and transforming their fertile lands into a desolate, salt-filled sea known as the Dead Sea.

Hazrat Lot and his family were the only survivors, having heeded the warnings of the angels. The story of the people of Lot serves as a reminder of the consequences of immoral behavior and the importance of repentance in Islam.

Please remember to like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more Islamic waqiya stories and educational content. JazakAllah Khairan.

#IslamicWaqiya #IslamicStory #HazratLot #QaumLot #DivinePunishment #IslamicKnowledge #ProphetStories #IslamicHistory #IslamicMorality
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