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DOUG'S FITNESS #SHORTS : "Frog Squats Challenge" PART 6
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72 Views • Jun 29, 2023 • Click to toggle off description

THE SUPER 7-WEEK SHAPE-UP SYSTEM: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Program to Transform Your Body & Life in as Little as 7 MINUTES per Day... Seriously!!!

SMART, SIMPLE, SPEEDY, & SAFE Scientific Solutions to Strength, Stamina, Stretching, and Sustenance

You Get Everything to Guarantee Success!

Soup to Nuts: Super 7 System includes 77 lessons, teaching each and every PRECISE training technique necessary to achieve faster fitness and safer fat loss.

Bite-Sized Chunks: Super 7 System delivers content daily, in 7 separate and EASY-TO-DIGEST sections. Access to each week's content is released incrementally, and in advance.

Step-by-Step: Super 7 System progressively incorporates all of the SCIENTIFIC solutions of proper exercise & eating into your new or existing fitness regimen.

Day-by-Day: Super 7 System reveals secrets to transform your body & life in as little as 7 MINUTES per day. You can choose to do more, but please promise to never do less.

Healthy Inside & Out: Super 7 System trains you to train yourself at a health club, on a beach (branches & boulders), in a park (playgrounds & picnic tables), or at your OWN HOME.

Your Pace or Mine: Super 7 System allows you to transform in 7 Weeks, 7 Months, or any duration in between. Course PROGRESSION adapts to your level of condition & volition.

Your 'Personable' Trainer: The Super 7 System was created by me... specifically for YOU, with 17+ hours of videos & audios of semi-personable PERSONAL TRAINING instruction.

Learn Every Secret to Fitness & Fat Loss :-)

The Super 7-Week Shape-Up System incorporates Doug's scientific solutions of ECCENTRICS in Strength, Stamina, Stretching, and Sustenance. You will soon learn why these principles are PROVEN TO BE THE BEST METHODS for Burning Fat, Strengthening Bones, Exercising Quickly, Improving Circulo-Respiratory Endurance, Conditioning Athletes, Rehabilitating Injuries and Issues, Increasing Flexibility, and Safely Training Those Individuals with a Variety of Other Physical Ailments, Including Arthritis, Asthma, Heart Disease, Cancer, and Additional Cardiac, Pulmonary, & Metabolic Disorders.

Over the previous few decades, I have had the pleasure of helping literally thousands of people in person and millions of people online. These are individuals just like you, discovering the best way to exercise and the best way to eat, through my Super 7 System of Eccentrics.And now it's your turn to join the club. You can do this!! It doesn't matter if you have never worked out, are just considering starting a fitness program for the first time, or if you have already been training for years. I guarantee that this course is the most comprehensive (SUPER SMART & SUPER SIMPLE) explanation of how to exercise as little as possible... while still achieving amazing results!

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Views : 72
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Jun 29, 2023 ^^

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Rating : 5 (0/8 LTDR)

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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video

RYD date created : 2023-06-30T06:07:02.898026Z
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