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Ric Flair Responds To Bret Hart's Response (part 2) #shorts
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106,320 Views • Aug 10, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Part 2 of Flair responding to Bret Hart's words back in 2004.

Part 1:    • Ric Flair Responds To Bret Hart's Res... …

Full interview segment can be found here:    • TSN - Off The Record - Ric Flair Inte...  
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License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Aug 10, 2023 ^^

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1 year ago

so Brett had to tow the line, but it was perfectly acceptable for Ric to take the belt to another organisation when he got upset. The guy is a total hypocrite

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1 year ago

Quoting Bret Hart:

"A few months later, when I found out I’d be having a one-hour marathon match at the Boston Garden with Ric, I came up with a brilliant storyline that I ran by Vince, who loved it. When I ran it by Flair in the dressing room the night of the show, he immediately interrupted me and began telling me what we were going to do instead. I finally had to cut him off and sadly dressed him down in front of several wrestlers, saying, ‘Ric, I’m the champion, and this is how it’s going to go.’

He dropped his jaw, turned red, and took his seat, saying, ‘You’re the champ.’

He never ever got over it either.

Scott Hall was there and often told this story to other wrestlers for years."

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1 year ago

Bret was drawing internationally. That's why Vince put the belt on him in the 1994, because the US economy was doing poorly and wrestling was down across the nation. Vince chose between Lex Luger and Bret Hart. Luger was the patriot, but of course that wouldn't play internationally. The second part of this was that Bret was very reliable and could work a match with anyone.

Ric could have stayed with WWF in 1993, but he chose not to. That was on him. Ric asked Vince to be let out of his contact. Ric even says to this day that it was a mistake. But he left. His choice.

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1 year ago

Bret offered to drop it to anyone but Shawn because he was the biggest asshole in wrestling at the time. Shawn meanwhile refused to drop the title numerous times, Vader, Bulldog, handed the IC title to Dean Douglas, and lost his smile as WWE Champion.

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1 year ago

Bret hart best there is best there was best there ever will be

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1 year ago

Bret Hart's matches are still eminently watchable today while Michaels, Flair and Hogan's work are like Carnival pantomimes. That itself decides who was the greatest among them.

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1 year ago

Flair also took a belt with him, flair was one of the reasons Vince did what he did

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1 year ago

I love Flair. He's the Nature Boy. But his opinion depends on what he's drinking and who's paying.

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1 year ago

Brett Hart held the bag until the Attitude Era was born

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1 year ago

All Vince had to do was let Brett win on Survivor Series in Canada, then let him drop it to Shawn on Monday Night Raw like he promised Vince, they even shook hands on the deal. What Vince did was total bullshit, he's lucky to have been blessed with Steve Austin, and was lucky that WCW didn't know what to do with Brett

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1 year ago

Without Brett Austin doesn’t become the badass he was Wrestlemania 13 and Vince McMahon doesn’t become the best heel of all time

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1 year ago

Flair took the WCW title to WWE the man doesn't know the meaning of the word respect

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1 year ago

If Bret Hart wasnt making the WWF at the time any money, why was he at the top for so many years? I admit i hated Bret Hart when his character hated Americans, but he is on record saying that if shawn would put him over in Montreal, bret would have put shawn over the next night in Calgary.

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1 year ago

Those pink shades meant more to anyone in that era then anyone of them dumb azz robes that costed him to sell his life to Vince to get out of debt…. Bret left wwf/wwe was dead until stone cold

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1 year ago

Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan fought the same match over and over again. Guys like Bret Hart and sting would do different stuff every match

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1 year ago

And he's still whining about it today.

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1 year ago

bret did whine about the "screwjob" but he was a pretty damn big

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1 year ago

He was huge brett is a legend

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1 year ago

Flair Is just a huge egomaniac

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