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Views : 4,301
Genre: Sports
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 9, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
Good to see you brother! Another great video as always. Excellent info. You ever check out the Shimano World Pop? I splurged and got one and let me tell you man it's crazy good. It's got it's pros and cons but dare I say it walks and bubbles a little better then the Rico, however it's a little heavier then the Rico so you have to dial down the cast strength because it's also got a counter spring weight in it that extends the cast by a lot and easy to over calculate the intended distance of your target. Have a good day and good luck on the water Hank.
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So question for you.. on my local 2 smaller lakes which have a good baitfish (gizzard shad only) population I have not seen many on bait 2 years in a row. Slow topwater bite, see VERY few breaks on the surface, and the balls of bait I see on down/side imaging almost never seem to have fish on them. I am looking in the cuts, up creek and river arms, in open water, down on the main body. When I do find fish they are juvenile spots.
What am I doing wrong? Am I in the wrong locations? Am I just reading my electronics wrong? I grew up on threadfin lakes so i'm currently a little out of my depth.
Good choices. Great colors too. #100percentwatchsquad
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2 months ago
Those style of baits just work. I use the 7in zoom and do really good on the smallmouth and largemouth
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