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What we should STOP saying to People with Diabetes
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984 Views • Dec 1, 2022 • Click to toggle off description
If we want to help and encourage People with Diabetes, these are the things that we should stop saying to them.

Dr Chan
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Views : 984
Genre: Education
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 1, 2022 ^^

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RYD date created : 2023-01-08T22:36:52.567671Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

You are really a very good doctor.

3 |


2 years ago

Thank you, very encouraging word’s. 😊

3 |


2 years ago

Some people you have to give them straight forward and direct instructions, if not they will have doubts and blame you when things don't work out.

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1 year ago

I have a dear friend with diabetes. Truthfully, I do say things like that because I care. However, listening to this video sure put me in check! It really does sounds bad. I will be carefully with my words from here on out. Thanks doc!

1 |


1 month ago

I have diabetes and I‘m always drinking my coffee with sugar or caramel. I also eat candy’s. My sugar has been pretty good recently. It’s not like I‘m exaggerating with it. When I see my sugar is rising I inject myself some insulin and won’t eat bad things that day and then it usually goes down into a good area. Sometimes I have high sugar although I‘m not eating too much. It varies and it’s (at least for me) not always the food that makes it rising.



2 years ago

Doctors are not counsellors.


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