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445,353 Views • Nov 9, 2021 • Click to toggle off description
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 445,353
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Nov 9, 2021 ^^

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Top Comments of this video!! :3


3 years ago

I’d rather be alone

4.9K |


3 years ago

I feel stressed out just watching this.

2.8K |


3 years ago

I’ve seen so many women in this situation, and then on top of this the man has the nerve to cheat on her.

2.7K |


3 years ago

When she dropped the keys, I felt that in my soul 😭

233 |


3 years ago

And this is why when they say BW will die alone if we don't submit to this struggle love, I laugh because I'd rather die alone and at peace with myself than coupled and in pain.

1.5K |


3 years ago

Truth is he ain't getting that ring, but he
will expect the PS5 by December 25th.

One of her few options is to get gone ,lol

989 |


3 years ago

My sister is currently goin thru this with her “fiancée”. Not y’all not even married an he already got you workin 2 jobs, while he sit around at home all day, drive her car to god knows where, an blow her phone up all day to accuse her of being out cheating; instead of at work. Black women need to learn how to not allow Black men to put them in a masculine situation. It’s VERY weird.

457 |


3 years ago

key words: “BOYFRIEND” of fourty-five “YEARS”

794 |


2 years ago

Gag is, sis probably got down on one knee to propose to Frank and he asked her "but What do you bring to the table??" 🥴

41 |


3 years ago

Enough is enough BW. We got to stop being humiliated and start being appreciated.

674 |


3 years ago

My husband said to me he is surprised at the number of guys he hears talking about this 50/50 mess!! He’s 37 and I’m 35. I was working when I met but stopped after having our first baby and have been a homemaker ever since. I have FULL access to ALL of the accounts and handle the bills. He and I prefer that I stay home with the kids and manage the home while he makes the dough. Married 11years and happy. Btw I am stress free

2.6K |


2 years ago

"If she got her own money and pay her own bills, she's a keeper."
- 50/50 Frank

63 |


3 years ago

Part 2 should add "while he plays video games, smoke weed all day and cheats on you with your neighbors and friends" giving you STD's, driving your car, keeps it extra late making you late for work the next day. And ALWAYS brings the car back on E.Great video! love it!

409 |


3 years ago

I’ve lived this comedy and divorced him as soon as I came to my senses.

1K |


3 years ago

At this point I side eye every relationship involving a BM. Even IF he’s providing he’s more than likely cheating. Behind those closed doors is struggle love, don’t doubt it for one second.

68 |


3 years ago

I could never, but it's sad to imagine all the BW out here that are actually living like this. And these manosphere dudes are telling us that we're average at best so that we can settle for this lifestyle. Don't believe the hype ladies.

1.4K |


3 years ago

If you wait for 45yrs for someone to propose that's a red flag 🚩 😅

224 |


3 years ago

BW we gotta stop settling for less. Once I met my King he taught me I was worthy and built me up. He currently takes care of the bills because he understands the importance of having a partner that takes care of home and when I was the main bread winner and he was figuring it out he made sure I came home to a house that was well kept. A man will show you exactly the caliber of man he is believe him when he shows you. There is a King out there for you and he might not be black but there is a man worthy of your love and dedication. I saw my mother struggle with a man abusive bum the majority of my life(wasn’t my father he died when I was young) just to have a man in the house. It’s not worth it. All it taught me was what not to look for in a partner. Having a man is not better then having no man so don’t settle. Continue to set your standards high and focus on being the woman that the man you want will appreciate and your King will come.

63 |


3 years ago

I feel bad I laughed but I saw women doing this when I was younger and I said NOPE to babies out of wedlock and NOPE to 50/50 men a long time ago. I rather be single, child free and wealthy 😂

513 |


3 years ago

The fact that young girls defend this type of relationship is crazy to me. Why would you want to go 50/50 with a MAN?? American women are lost.

492 |

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