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8 Views • Apr 12, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Together, let's create our hearts' desires.
1. Release those things that no longer serve you to make space for the new.

2. Spring cleaning physical, mental, emotional, spiritual. Use 1 to clean.

3. Activate your faith. Know without seeing and ask Father Mother Creator to work with you. Call in your ancestors, Angel's, and activate Faith.

4. Use tools if needed, such as a) writing down your hearts desires; b) make a visual.image board; c) get a shoebox decorate it and put photos, trinkets or representations of your heart'sdesires; d) set up a crystal grid using just 9 pieces of clear quart. 9 represent completion, and each quartz is programmable by your intention. You hold the quartz to your heart for specifics. God creates these stones, crystals, and gems. The Bible speaks about stones and never against them.

You have options! Whichever, you choose be in a great spirit/mood. Create from excitement, passion, faith, gratitude, and appreciation.

5. If you're ready to create expansion in home or physical property. I recommend the "Prayer of Jabez." It has never failed me yet.

Creators, create. Ask and it will be given. Exercise your energy to create.

Enlighten with Truth www.enlightenwithtruth777.weebly.com
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Views : 8
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Apr 12, 2023 ^^

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