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Beast Gohan VS Orange Piccolo?
 60 FPS video
69,420 Views ā€¢ Sep 2, 2022 ā€¢ Click to toggle off description
who wins?
Metadata And Engagement

Views : 69,420
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Sep 2, 2022 ^^

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Rating : 4.839 (130/3,100 LTDR)

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User score: 93.97- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2022-11-27T20:13:24.342221Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


2 years ago

Who do you like more?

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2 years ago

Piccolos transformation had me way more hype than gohans, but gohan spanks

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2 years ago

Bro Beast Gohan is a Beast but bro we gotta be serious on this Gigachad Piccolo is a fucking Gigachad

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2 years ago

If weā€™re talking fight obviously Gohan but if weā€™re talking design I prefer Piccoloā€™s orange form. Tbh Beast is cool but itā€™s El Blanco with stupid amounts of hair.

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2 years ago

Orange piccolo heā€™s my man

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2 years ago

Beast Gohan just appeared out of nowhere with no context what so ever, but piccolos transformation has built up from the unleashing potential wish until his fall and rising up from the abyss it was like a great musical. With the words of shenron going through piccolos head. He was the MVP of the movie.

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2 years ago

Beast Gohan is stronger, but at least Orange Piccolo makes much more sense. Gohan foreshadowed his form but other than that, it wasn't really explained. Orange Piccolo is the representation of the Namekian's pure heart and their connections to Shenron. Gigachad is better

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2 years ago

I thought it was a vs video and waited for like 20 seconds not realizing itā€™s a loop lol.

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2 years ago

when krillin told piccolo to get big like when he fought goku in dragon ball my theater got a little lit

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2 years ago

Orange Piccolo
Recycled ssj2 + meme

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2 years ago

Giga Piccolo, I wouldnā€™t be a contest to challenge him in his formšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚

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2 years ago

Piccolos ā€œorange formā€ is actually at a level of ssjgodssj

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2 years ago

BEAST GOHAN(Vegeta and Gohan are my favourite characters)

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2 years ago

ORANGE PICCOLO >>>>> gohan beast

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2 years ago

Gohan negs he is turning into one of my favorite characters

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2 years ago

Orange Piccolo honestly

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2 years ago

Bigger fan of Piccolo, personally. I like Gohan, I'm glad they both got their badass forms actually, but Piccolo just feels right.

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2 years ago

Wouldnā€™t it be better if they called it full power piccolo? That what I thought it was until piccolo decides to call himself orange piccolo

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2 years ago

Letā€™s be honest everybody knew since gohan was the mc in Db super hero instead of goku he was gonna get a new transformation but piccolo was a surprise to me at least

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2 years ago

Bro fist of all in the movie when piccolo turned orange and became big he was struggling to fight against cell max but with gohan he didnā€™t feel a thing when cell max got a hit on him. HOWEVER, I gotta say piccolos transformation was more hype than Gohans I mean like the beam shooting up into the sky with him rising up was FIIIRREEšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„. But gohans transformation was amazing and all but all it was to me was just blue aura in the sky and thatā€™s it I mean thereā€™s been other transformations with blue aura and now that I seen gohans now , I just feel pissed

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