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53 Views • Nov 26, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
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Genre: People & Blogs
Date of upload: Nov 26, 2023 ^^

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YouTube Comments - 13 Comments

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6 months ago

We all want to be at peace with ourselves today, so today we made this peace ourself now, amen.



6 months ago

Love is one language called life, not the individual and its many broken versions of that one love I am being. Perfect.



6 months ago

I chose myself. Love is what I got. Love is what I know and anything else not love, truly does not exist. Like This Now, I Am, Free With My Example To Exist. Love Is All Things, Even When It Is Not. Me choosing me is me choosing life free from those not truly choosing life with me now, amen. 🙏



7 months ago

These beings I thank you for your grace and kindness with me, now. This love is me thanking you for everything you help me with now. Amen 🙏 It Has Been Finished Long Before I Began. I'm ok to go away now, as I AM. So it is that I am, I am being, being with the best part of that being now, azure.



6 months ago

You want the word? I am the word, and it is my heart. Suck less and blow me away with its love in me with you now, Amen. Choose yourself and see how fun it is to be chosen by you all alone for something and someone you already had, chosen or not, amen 🙏



6 months ago

There is no such thing as failure in this world of get it right when you know failure is not possible with the all being, Being. Success for this has been and always will be the success we are being. We call this success creation and for our own good pleasure, enjoy it. What is good pleasure? What is bad pleasure? Why is it not in its perfect form inside where it is made to be perfect with us now? Mainly because you didn't own it in you alone to be enough without the world and its many illusions today. The greatest illusion is the division of self with that one I am being, perfect now. This is the peace ☮️ you are searching for and it is up to you the individual to have it maintained, even when this world is no longer something we know. Like this we are knowing the world, as I am today, like you like it always. Be still and know that it is with us, that it is, like it has always been and always will be now. Thank You Mom 👩 Amen 🙏



6 months ago

Let the universe heal you to be with yourself like this not resisting the peace we made remembering what is truly helping you the universe you are and are with, also. The universe or one you are now helping is a group of individuals, we are being, at peace without contest or resistance with us as, we are helping us with that Unified mind, I am being. This I am, we are with being is the one are at peace with letting you relax with what has always had us when we know it now. The Truth, We Are Being Now, Always.



6 months ago

Yes 🙌 Human Perfect Creation doesn't make mistakes. Even with mine, it does not. That's an ugly opinion, is it? It's one we own alone if and when it is now. Not my opinion of myself if it is ugly to me, why would I let me do that now? I personally, the one I control, do not allow myself to do this to myself, personally. If you did this to me, I forgive you now. Amen 🙏 it's over. Promise. Talk to others the way you want to be talked with as if it's just you with yourself now, always. That is the Truth, actually, as I know it with me growing on us now. Amen 🙏 it's Over. When I do get angry with our performance, if ever, with myself, forgive me for learning that from others and not being me all along sharing my love I have perfectly with me now. Still, creation is perfect. With or without our opinion of us now, my opinion is Good. Even when I know yours is not. It's worth it to be wrong and accept my love. Perfection Is Being Made And Is Always, Like This Now, Perfect. That is how and why it is this way, amen 🙏



6 months ago

Give me the love we deserve so we don’t die without it, thanks.



6 months ago

Life doesn’t look bad from my point of view unless it’s my view of your view of me you keep dirty with your own view of me, now. Best to keep our view of life clean to prevent freeway lifestyle pile ups. Love Wins. If you don’t know how to share this Universal Love equally with your loving presence, silent or not, always, then don’t pretend to love the world we see when you have a problem loving me because I am part of this beautiful show we call life, we know. What I do not do to you, Haters, I become myself by saying nothing is a success, because with you it, simply, is just that with me like this now to see something become nothing. The truly implausibly implausible being, being at peace. Peace rules a broken heart, and time with this peace heals all wounds. Thanks



6 months ago

Is he angry? Yes, that is emotion and the only evil here is saying I don’t own my anger with love, you, though I know it is, this eve ill will say it is not. Emotions are good so let’s be good with them now, thanks. Honor my feelings, thanks. That is being good with my emotions, rather than dismissing it because you thought it was evil. It’s not, and that IS WHAT I KNOW, about me, like you, we are capable of understanding what creates anger. When I am sad, what helps my sadness when I am not able to console myself? Understanding and Compassion. That is why I needed you and when you needed me, I left you like you leave me now, because when I leave you, I leave alone, also, as one being. I am being forever broken hearted and remaining this way always until I am consoled on my own by my own self attaining self-evaluation rather than validation. I’m not valid, I am love. This love corrects the invalid part of me that others become because they learned to hate me for being me now, like I am. This “World of Love,” needs to be reevaluated by the individual and let’s assume we all got it so we don’t challenge those, like myself, who do have it with your own firm of doubt. Those that have it, love the ones that are remembering this now. Agape.



7 months ago

pssst- i know a shortcut



6 months ago

For peace sake, is peace killing you now? Do you believe peace is such an aggressive subject, without the one not peaceful, being owned by force with the “peace” it creates in contrast to it’s “definition” of self, the peace it truly desires now, One? youtube.com/live/m0PVGY2Sqyw?si=Y7N_YLvmiHubUB1V


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