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Views : 20,411
Genre: Howto & Style
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 16, 2023 ^^
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RYD date created : 2024-05-03T01:40:21.075892Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I think that, along with Katy Perry, when natural warm blondes (spring, I think) dye their hair black, they tend to become bright spring bordering bright winter. Keep in mind they can sustain coral or peachy tones quite well, which is impossible for winters. The same applies to Sophie Ellis Bextor, or Nolwenn Leroy. They end up looking striking with the right colours on their face, with red-orangey lipstick on (a winter cannot pull off orange!) but the full glam make-up requires perfect complexion (full or medium coverage, concealing etc.). They appear cool but photography, make-up and lighting are game changers. However, spring enables a wide variety when it comes to hair colour range (from light warm blonde to the darkest black) so it might explain why they can get along with such a strong colour.
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Zoey if you look at her she has pinky and glowy skin,this is one of the most prominent signs that indicates spring in a person,and her best hair colors most of the times is a dark brown,is dark but still slightly warm,I think she is a bright spring maybe influenced by bright wibter,which means that she sits in between both seasons but still bright spring,Remebers is bright spring no true spring,so thats why too warm colors are the best for her and she of course as more important quality needs high contrast,clearness and glow,if you see hair just wearing black it kinda looks empty,bright spring is still influenced by winter,they have depth and they need dark hair to keep contrast and a neat bright look,so they can pull off black but not as winters does ,they need glow as she needs.
If you dont believe look at the picture where she is wearin the pink jacket with the black dress,it clearly looks worse than the one with warm spring red dress
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1 year ago
She looks so different with blonde hair. I feel like it washes her out
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