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Uploaded At Nov 10, 2024 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
According to my old music teacher from high school there’s this scrunchie from the 80’s that some kid named Bobby threw at the ceiling and I don’t know how scrunchies were back in the 80’s but the darn thing stayed on the ceiling for over 44 years and now I wonder if it’s still there
( also I’m the class of 2020 )
1.9K |
I got caught cheating on a test and got thrown out of the class. When class ended, I talked with the teacher and completely admitted to the cheating and wrongdoing and apologized profusely. The teacher and I had a great relationship all year so he appreciated what I was doing. He gave me a 50% on the test and told me to never do that again, otherwise I’d get a zero and be reported to the principal. The secret? I absolutely would’ve gotten lower than a 50% on that test. I had clue what I was doing in that class at all.
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My high school had an anti-school Twitter page. It was called “(school’s name) problems”. Every year it was run by a senior who would pass it down to the juniors at the end of the year so that it was always run by seniors. They posted memes, exposed scandals and showed pictures of the dilapidated buildings. One of the posts even got on a Buzzfeed article called “worst school portables” or something like that.
The school tried multiple times to have the page taken down but because the students weren’t breaking any rules, the page stayed up. The school board did successfully get some of the tweets deleted though. That resulted in my favourite tweet: “You can delete our tweets but that won’t delete the school’s problems” 😂😂😂
Anyway, the page died with COVID and no one runs it anymore but it had a pretty good run. I still go back to laugh at some of the posts sometim
35 |
Late 70s, my high school uses modems to dial up to a DEC system 10 timeshare computer run by the county shared by many high schools in the county. The school only teaches us so much, so I buy the user manual and learn a bunch of commands from it. One day, I try one of the commands and instead of doing what it was supposed to do, it crashes the entire network. It takes a good half hour for everything to come back up. A couple of days later, I confirm it. This then becomes a way for us to scare off the less-advanced kids from using the computer after school because they don't have the patience to wait for the reboot. Once they were gone, my friends and I had the computer room to ourselves. We also found a way to get into the locked closet in the room using a drawing compass that was in the desk.
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I don’t have any hs secrets but I do know that when I was in 6th grade I watched a kid twist a tube of gogurt to the point where it exploded and a bit got onto the ceiling, and it stayed there for at least 3 years. I haven’t been back since then so idk if it’s still there, but if it is, there’s been gogurt on the ceiling for 11 years LMAO
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2 weeks ago
The teacher was running low and wanted a free smoke out and left. 😂😂😂😂😂
4.1K |