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18 Views • Dec 4, 2024 • Click to toggle off description
Il panettone @bajmilano è il panettone più antico al Mondo, con origini che risalgono al 1768. Un simbolo di tradizione ed eccellenza italiana.

La tripla lievitazione rende l’impasto SuPier soffice e leggero utilizzando Materie prime di eccellenza, lavorate con passione e cura

Un panettone semplicemente Pierfetto!

Qui tutti i gusti del panettone
www.bajmilano.it/ 👈

A D V per @bajmilano

Here is the translation of your recipe in English:
1. Prepare the pastry cream: In a bowl, whisk 4 egg yolks with 45 g of sugar (half of the total amount) until well combined. Heat 380 g of milk in a saucepan with the remaining 45 g of sugar. Once the milk is hot, gradually add it to the egg yolk and sugar mixture, stirring constantly. Return the mixture to the heat and cook, stirring, until it thickens. Let it cool, covered with plastic wrap.
2. Prepare the mascarpone cream: Whip 250 g of mascarpone, 200 g of fresh cream, and the cooled pastry cream until smooth and well combined.

The mascarpone cream is ready!

#BajMilano #panettonebaj #pandorobaj #panettone #pandoro #cremaalmascarpone
#PanettoneBaj1768 #TradizioneItaliana #mascarponecream #dessert
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Views : 18
Genre: People & Blogs
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Dec 4, 2024 ^^

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