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Uploaded At Jul 27, 2023 ^^
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I've been going to the gym 5-6 days a week doing a "bro" split for the last 13 years and it has worked wonders for me. The upside is that you're fresh for each muscle group, capable of applying a high intensity for each workout. Each muscle gets hit again every 7 days which is more than enough time to rest and recovery. Also workouts (other than legs) are less than an hour, roughly 45 minutes if I stay on top of my rests (about 1~ min). I just make sure my weekly set volume is around 15-20 sets (about 4-5 exercises, 4 sets) and I'm golden. The downside to this split is that if you miss a day, that means that particular muscle isn't getting hit for 2 weeks, which won't result in muscle loss, but you might see staggered progress.
People need to realize that unless you're on gear, the body can't sustain a high degree of volume and intensity without adequate rest.
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I just started a 3 day ppl split after watching your video about this type of training and every time I go to the gym I'm stronger and I'm fully recovered. Coming from a 6 day ppl , I used to overtrain and didn't see much progress but now I feel like I'm finally on the right path. Thank you and Mike Mentzer.
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See and I feel the exact opposite. When I take a rest day in between lift days, I don't see as much progress as when I take a rest day at the end of a 3 day split. I do push, pull, legs, rest, repeat. And I feel like hitting the same muscle groups 2x a week is far more beneficial for me. I'm essentially resting each muscle group for 3 days before hitting it again.
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My split seems weird but it’s really helped discipline me and fall back in love with this shit, calling it Limb/Torso split arms and legs followed by a rest day, then chest back shoulders and another rest day, only in the gym 3-4 days a week but training with high intensity drop setting to failure and trynna focus on letting each muscle group rest 72 hours before breaking them down again, trynna focus on making mental progress on rest days reading a lot, doing extra work cardio and whatever other responsibilities I was slacking off on before
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1 year ago
Facts. Everything feels way lighter after a couple days of rest, You feel ready to attack the lift
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