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Is advanced movement good in Call of Duty?
 60 FPS video
823,818 Views • May 17, 2023 • Click to toggle off description
Does Call of Duty need advanced movement?! #callofduty #mw2 #gaming

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Metadata And Engagement

Views : 823,818
Genre: Gaming
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At May 17, 2023 ^^

warning: returnyoutubedislikes may not be accurate, this is just an estiment ehe :3
Rating : 4.839 (2,219/53,016 LTDR)

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User score: 93.97- Overwhelmingly Positive

RYD date created : 2024-01-06T11:46:26.283497Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3


1 year ago

Call of duty fans trying to explain how rubbing your ass on the floor gives you hipfire buff:

1.7K |


1 year ago

"A cod with no movement is a cod with no skill gap" ☠️ man's jokes are unparalleled.

1.5K |


1 year ago

Also remember in the old cods the most tryhard people would be trick shooters and people trying to hit nukes plus its feels insanely easy to spawn trap in this cod for some reason

504 |


1 year ago

They yearn for Titanfall.

234 |


1 year ago

LAG’s last employee had to pull something out his ass.

1.2K |


1 year ago

Cod: Trying to please the community after years of complaining about rebirth demons
This guy: complaining he can't be a rebirth demon.

339 |


1 year ago

Honestly I like the slower movement. The game doesnt feel like youre being attacked by people flying around on motorbikes. Its got some nice slower gameplay. You can play recklessly but you still have to play with caution.

795 |


1 year ago

I fucking love the pace of the movement!! It highlights so much more of the game than just movement.

6 |


1 year ago

>start the video talking about movement
>make a basic statement about pacing
>switch to realism for no reason
>mention reload canceling out of nowhere
>ask a question you know you wont read the answers to
>refuse to elaborate
>end the video

14 |


1 year ago

Realistically we won’t be able to slide-cancel or bunny hop in real life in 2022

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1 year ago

Actually in a decent state rn, COD is sweaty enough. If you want actual movement play Apex.

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1 year ago

I understand why the sliding got a heavy nerf from MW2019, but why can't we shoot and throw knives while sliding?

Also, jumpshotting around a corner is better than aiming around it 9/10 times because of how slow the strafe speed is.

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1 year ago

Funny how LAG failed to mention how at the time of MW3 COD games had no unlimited sprint, no tac sprint and would slow you down after landing from any sort of jump, higher fall, slower movement speed after landing. Not to mention that COD’s average ttk was around 175 milliseconds (correction, I decided to calculate the average ttk from COD4-BO2 (aka the glory days of cod) and came out with 168.42 (2 d.p))with the two outliers at the time being World at War and MW3 with MW3 having 145 ms and WaW having 217ms (or 120 when using stopping power). Basically the movement in MW2022 is fine as is since it has some extra mechanics added on like tac sprint and very little movement speed penalty when landing, and also infinite sprint. Though the one thing I would like to return is melee being a one hit kill again without the need for attachments, throwing knife or melee weapon.

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1 year ago

"No reload or slide canceling", "No skill gap" sounds like a skill issue. been here since OG CoD4.

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1 year ago

I think it's perfect as it is right now

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1 year ago

I actually missed older movement and mw2 delivers. Slide cancel is cancer.

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1 year ago

Aye you can still break ankles ALL DAY with the right sensitivity

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1 year ago

I actually like the new COD over all the old ones. I love the fast ttk and it’s not horrible movement speed. My only complaint is how long it takes to aim a rifle or any other non pistol. It takes forever. I get holstering your pistol or swapping a shotgun and a rifle might take second but a trained operator like the characters you play in cod shouldn’t take 5 seconds to pull the rifle up and look through a sight

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1 year ago

The competitive meta being to sit in one spot and bob your head like a whack-a-mole is a pretty clear sign that the changes to movement has caused some damage to cod and is significantly less entertaining to watch and get better at.

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1 year ago

If I was in charge of making the next cod I would make titanfall

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