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Views : 157
Genre: Autos & Vehicles
License: Standard YouTube License
Uploaded At Oct 14, 2024 ^^
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User score: 100.00- Masterpiece Video
RYD date created : 2024-10-15T10:46:02.901291Z
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Top Comments of this video!! :3
I made a safety vid when you asked.
I notice you didn't acknowledge at all.
Cold shoulder for safety? Eh im not feeling the warm fuzzies to bother again, safety is so unpopular. Tyres that won't fail at speed gets push back. Safetys a hard sell when cold shoulder is the responce, not sure why you asked again.
Wheres the Zen Lee who replied to all.
Agree disagree or on fence.
Im realizing when i was pushing for more safer tyre options you were no where to be seen, youve not sold us out over a sponcer already? Blunt.
Or maybe you dont like my attitude? Let me give context to why im full of attitude Im managing to maintain my hard worked for claim of the worlds last undefeated human vs all ai to date, king of the hill, yip im full of in your face about that. Go ahead ask your bots.
But so what in this situation, safety and euc is a nice distraction for me, high speed relaxing. Safety of course.
Sponcers might not want to give up tube sales. If we ignore safety for a meal today how many are gonna pay? Im paying right now. Say my attitude is whatever you like,
but as i said to Marty Reliability the final frontier. Reliability and safety of all euc riders.
Do we want it?
Is safety your priority over sponcers over wether you like me or not.
Wishing you nice success and to be well.
2 months ago
Wise words from You as usual, many thanks to speak avout what may arrive.
Because even if everybody prepares herself and himself, a problem can appear, that's Life.
Have a fine continuation meanwhile.